Transfer Spotlight
Transfer Spotlight shines a light on people, places, and programs throughout the UMass campus that offer resources and support to help transfer students succeed.
Everything you need to know about applying for financial aid as a transfer student.
Student Success gives students the tools they need to thrive in college.
The Office of Undergraduate Research & Studies (OURS) helps students find and access undergraduate research and scholarly opportunities on and off campus, throughout the year.
The Center for Multicultural Advancement and Student Success (CMASS) supports the student success and sense of belonging of first generation, students of color, multiracial students, and low income students.
The Stonewall Center provides support, resources, programming and advocacy for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual (LGBTQIA) and allied students, staff, and faculty at UMass Amherst.
The Center for Women and Community provides innovative and informed education, leadership opportunities, advocacy and support services that address the cause and impact of sexism and recognize the multiple oppressions experienced by women.
Disability Services provides members of the university community with the finest educational opportunities and the most appropriate accommodations available.
Student Parent Programs help you navigate UMass, get connected to resources, apply for a childcare subsidy, meet other students with families, find kid-friendly educational and cultural enrichment activities to do in the community, and more.
Over 14,000 students live in 52 residence halls including traditional residence halls, suites and apartments throughout campus. Residential Life provides opportunities for students to integrate residential, academic and social life, while promoting positive involvement within the campus community.
For students living off-campus, OCSL provides resources, a place to hang out and a sense of community.
Study abroad is possible for students in every major, including transfer students.
The Building and Construction Technology (BCT) program educates leaders in the field of sustainable design and construction of the built environment.
The Social Thought and Political Economy Program (STPEC) is an interdisciplinary undergraduate major in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at UMass, Amherst. The STPEC Program encourages students to engage in a critical examination of society and to develop their own capacities for critical reading, writing and thinking.
The Natural Resources Conservation (NRC) major provides students with rigorous academic training in the natural, conservation, and social sciences with hands-on field skills and field experiences.
Pre-law advising provides UMass students and alumni with a full range of information and options counseling regarding legal careers and the law school application process, including one-on-one assistance in all aspects of law school applications.
We are here to support pre-med, pre-dent, pre-PA, and ALL other pre-health students with Peer Advising, Individual Advising, and Relevant Programming to ensure success in preparing for these very competitive fields.