We Embrace Sustainability
At UMass Amherst, you'll find abundant opportunities to learn about sustainability, practice sustainable living in a collaborative environment, conduct climate research, or work toward a career in green energy, climate justice, or a sustainability-related field.
Environmental consciousness is part of the UMass Amherst DNA. Founded as an agricultural college in 1863, our campus has long been at the leading edge of sustainability development, education, and research. We recognize our responsibility as a leader in sustainability for the local community, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the nation.
Recognized for the eighth consecutive year, UMass Amherst rose to the top 20 among the nation’s most environmentally responsible higher educational institutions, according to The Princeton Review’s 2024 Guide to Green Colleges.
Sustainability Initiatives Across Campus
Examine different aspects of sustainability through 300-plus courses, or immerse yourself by choosing one of over 20 majors and exploring a career in sustainability.
Live, learn, and play sustainably at UMass Amherst through student organizations, idea funding opportunities, and more.
Through UMass Carbon Zero, we seek to power the UMass Amherst campus with 100 percent renewable energy.
UMass Amherst participates in the Real Food Challenge, requiring 20 percent of the university’s food purchases to be “real food” from local, fair, ecologically sound, and humane food sources.
The campus is home to a number of green buildings, including those certified in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).
Across dining, residential, office, and classroom sectors, we're working to advance recycling, food waste diversion, and waste reduction efforts. Take the UMass Waste Quiz to test your knowledge and learn about current waste practices at UMass Amherst.
The League of American Bicyclists named UMass Amherst a Bicycle Friendly University for providing safe, accessible biking on campus.
A collaboration between UMass Permaculture and the UMass Student Farm, the UMass Student Farmers' Market is a weekly event featuring live music, fresh local veggies, medicinal herbs, handmade crafts, student art, and an opportunity to get to know the amazing sustainability and DIY community on the UMass campus.