Kerri Tillett: A Black woman with short brown hair, glasses, and red lipstick smiles in front of a background of sunny trees

Welcome from the Associate Vice Chancellor for Equal Opportunity

Thank you for visiting the University Accessibility website. I hope that you will find everything that you need on this site. We know that there is not a “one size fits all” solution to access issues. These issues may show up in a variety of contexts: in the classroom, residence halls, workplaces, restrooms, just to name a few. If you have a question, can’t find what you are looking for, need help finding a campus resource, or just want to offer a suggestion, please feel free to contact me. If I can’t help you, I’m happy to connect you with the appropriate resource.

All the best!

Kerri Thompson Tillett, J.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Equal Opportunity
ADA Coordinator

An aerial view of UMass Amherst's library and campus center overlooking a lake

Welcome back to campus! UMass Amherst is committed to being a pioneer in digital accessibility and its digital information and resources more easily available. For access to all other disability-related resources and guidance for students, faculty, staff, visitors and guests, check out the Digital Accessibility Services main page.

White person with curly hair holding a sign saying "My Journey Begins at UMass Amherst studying Geographic Information Science and Technonology Masters of Science" in a garden.
UMass' Accessibility's 2024-2025 Graduate Assistant ADA Ambassador!
Ava Healy
ADA Ambassador; Graduate Assistant

Ava M. Healy is the Office of Equity and Inclusion's Accessibility ADA Ambassador!

Ava is passionate about making knowledge and resources easily accessible. They are a geography, anthropology, and paleontology enthusiast-- they will drop anything to talk about dinosaurs and the history/philosophy of museums. Outside the professional sphere, you can assume Ava is playing Dungeons & Dragons, various video games, and tossing a rugby ball around.


Office: 225 Bartlett Hall; Desk near the windows.

Form to Contact The ADA Ambassador Form to Contact The ADA Ambassador

Accessibility Statement

The University of Massachusetts Amherst is committed to fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. We embrace disability as a natural part of diversity and seek to build capacity to appreciate and value individual differences, including differences in ability, to create inclusive community.

We are fully committed to providing full and equal access to information and services for all current and potential members of our community.


Need Help or Have a Question?

If you need help locating an accessibility resource at UMass Amherst or have a question or comment about our services, please fill out this form.