The Old Chapel and library at UMass Amherst
Student Voices

What To Do While You Wait For Your College Decisions!

The spring of senior year can be a very busy and stressful time for students waiting on their many decisions from colleges to come back. Here are a few things you can do instead of worrying about whether or not you got in and constantly refreshing your online portal!

Keep Working Hard in School ​

Sometimes when seniors finish applying to all of their schools they feel like they can slack off and give up on what they’re doing in school. I know how easy it is to feel like this, but don’t give up! Keep working hard and keep your grades up, colleges will want to see that you didn’t slack off at the end just because you were done applying to college.

Apply to Scholarships

There are tons and tons of online scholarships available for students to apply to all over the internet, and some people have no idea about them! Look up scholarships for high school seniors, activities you’re involved in, and ask your school about local scholarships that may be available to you. Many times, with just a click of a button you can apply to lots of scholarships online, it’s super easy. 

There are tons of websites with different scholarships available — just search "College Scholarships for high school seniors." Try researching some of them on or too! Scholarships can be make or break for some students on whether or not they attend a school, so definitely apply for as many as you can.

Watch Dorm Tours/College Vlogs

A fun thing I remember doing while I waited to hear back from schools was search the school on YouTube and watch different types of videos showing what it’s like to be a student at each of the different colleges. I watched dorm tours to try and start to figure out what kinds of things I wanted for my room and what I wanted my room to look like. (You can watch my dorm tour for UMass here!) I also watched “Day in the Life” vlogs to see what a typical day was like for students at different colleges.

I found these videos really interesting and helpful, and they also got me super excited for the fall! I could imagine myself at the different schools and it was a lot of fun to do!

Relax and Enjoy Senior Year

The biggest thing you should do while waiting for your decisions is RELAX! You’ve spent so much time and energy researching, touring, and applying to schools it’s time for you to sit back and relax for a while. There’s nothing left for you to do but wait! Hang out with your friends and savor every moment you have left in high school, because you won’t get that time back.

Enjoy the small things like the sports or activities and clubs you’re involved in, the friends you get to pass in the hallway everyday, and all of the senior festivities and fun that comes in the spring. Really enjoy your year and don’t wish it away — don’t worry you’ll be leaving home for your next adventure as soon as you know it.