The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Walking across campus on a wintry day at the University of Massachusetts.
Student Voices

Recharge During Winter Break

UMass student with a friend at a New Year's party

Winter break is the perfect time to reconnect with old friends, family, and yourself. Over this winter break, I wanted to really focus on bettering myself mentally and physically before beginning my sophomore spring semester—so I did just that!

To get into better shape, I started going to Pilates and spin classes at my local YMCA four to five times a week, which was definitely tough to start but quickly became my favorite part of the day. I also started running with my boyfriend through Boston where he lives, which has been super fun and I’ve been able to experience the city in a way that I never had before. My final and favorite way to exercise over break is by bringing my dog to the beach near our house. He loves it and we get to meet so many other cute dogs!

UMass student with her dog on a beach

To focus on my mental health, I caught up with lots of old friends from high school and spent time relaxing with them. It’s always great to see my friends that I haven’t seen in months, and I love hearing about their lives at school. While we were hanging out, we booked a trip to Portugal for spring break, celebrated Christmas Eve together, and got back into reading. So far over break, I’ve read three books, and I’m hoping to make it five by the time we’re back on campus. 

I also prioritize spending time with my family over break, since I can’t see my parents while I’m at school. I love to cook, so I cook family dinners for me and my family at least once a week so we have a chance to sit down together and talk over (hopefully) good food. 

Finally, to make a little bit of money while I was home and had no schoolwork to do, I nannied for various families around my hometown. I’ve been with these families for years, so catching up with them over the holidays and seeing how much the kids have grown is always a treat. I love babysitting because I get to hang out with cool kids and then I get paid for it! Best job in the world.

Keeping busy over break is very important. You can and should take some time to relax and hangout, but you need to keep yourself occupied so you don’t go crazy while you’re home without classes. Make sure to exercise, see your friends and family, and check in with your mental health before the next semester starts. And, more importantly, have fun! Times like this where you have no full-time job or school are rare in your life, and you should do your best to make the most of it!