Undergraduate Admissions
Destination Days
Destination Days are an opportunity for admitted students and their families to visit campus, learn more about their school or college, and get excited about coming to UMass Amherst in the fall!
Schedule and details coming soon.
Admitted students will receive an invitation to register, via email.
Save the Date
College of Humanities and Fine Arts
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Elaine Marieb College of Nursing
Isenberg School of Management
School of Public Health and Health Sciences
College of Education
College of Engineering
College of Natural Sciences
Exploratory Track in Interdisciplinary Studies
Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences
Stockbridge School of Agriculture
College of Humanities and Fine Arts
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Elaine Marieb College of Nursing
Isenberg School of Management
School of Public Health and Health Sciences
College of Education
College of Engineering
College of Natural Sciences
Exploratory Track in Interdisciplinary Studies
Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences
Stockbridge School of Agriculture
Not sure which school or college you're in? Look it up in our list of majors.
Can't Make it?
If you can't make it to campus during one of our scheduled Destination Days, there are still lots of ways to see UMass, learn about the university and prepare for your next four years here.