Financial Aid
Financial Aid Forms
Please note there are two different formats to complete the forms:
DocuSign or a Fillable PDF
To use DocuSign format:
- Click on "DocuSign it" to complete, sign and submit form online. You must use your UMass email address. Forms that require a parent signature are not available in this format.
To use Fillable PDF format:
- Click on "name of form" to open, type the information, print or scan completed form, sign and submit to Financial Aid Services by:
FAX: 413-545-1700, Or
Upload completed or scanned form here
2024-2025 Academic Year Forms
Appeal Forms:
**Please note Special Circumstance appeals will not be processed until the Department of Education allows schools to submit corrections to the 2025 FAFSA. |
Miscellaneous Forms: |
Verification Forms: |
Loan Forms: |