New employee orientation

Welcome to the University of Massachusetts Amherst!

We value you and the talents you bring to our workplace and our community - thank you for joining our team!

  • Payroll and hiring forms
    As you start work at UMass Amherst we need your help in order to initiate salary payments and secure benefits. New employees must complete and submit hiring forms (which differ based on the type of position held) and present original, unexpired documents that fulfill federal I-9 requirements.

    Hiring departments schedule new benefited employees to attend a group payroll and benefits orientation.
  • Important policies, rules and guidelines
    In addition to the forms provided below, certain policies and guidelines apply to all employees of the University. As members of our community we agree to be familiar with, and comport ourselves consistent with, these policies.

    New employee required trainings will get you off to the right start in University employment. 
  • Accommodations
    The Accessible Workplace unit within Human Resources' Office of Equal Opportunity and Access (EOA) works with faculty and staff to secure reasonable accommodations to assist in ensuring success in the workplace.
  • Benefits
    Insurance, retirement and paid leave accrual benefits differ based on the type of position we hold at the University. The Benefits website provides detailed information about benefits based on the position you hold.

    Benefited faculty and staff start their work with us by attending an orientation scheduled by their departmental human resources representative. Detailed benefits information is provided at orientation.