I-9 form instructions
How to fill out the federally required I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form
Federal law requires that all employers complete and retain a federal I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form for each employee. Employers are not allowed to employ individuals who work in the U.S. and do not fulfill the I-9 obligations.
This process requires new employees to complete the following steps. Note that all fields in I-9 form Sections 1 & 2 should be completed. Please write "N/A" in any fields that would otherwise be left blank. The I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form with accessible descriptions appears on the USCIS I-9 website.
Complete Section 1 of the Form I-9 on or by the first day of employment (if you do not have a Social Security Number please leave that blank). The address you use should be your current address at the time you complete the form.
Present original, unexpired documents fulfilling the I-9 requirements to a UMass Amherst Human Resources representative within the first three (3) days of employment. You may provide one item from List A or one each from Lists B and C. The UMass Human Resources representative will complete I-9 Section 2 based on those documents (example below).
I-9 Instructions for Notaries Public
Employees not living or working in geographic proximity to UMass Amherst may complete the process with a Notary Public who is willing to perform the service, completing I-9 Section 2 as an Authorized Representative.
UMass Amherst authorizes notaries public to complete the federal Form I-9 on behalf of UMass Amherst. In completing the Form I-9:
- Please verify that the employee has completed Section 1 of Form I-9 prior to your completing Section 2.
- The employee must present to you original, unexpired documents fulfilling the I-9 requirements.
- Please complete I-9 Section 2 in full including the:
- Employee's name
- Listing the I-9 supporting documents provided to you (one item from List A or one each from Lists B & C).
- Signing as authorized representative and completing the signature block. The business name/address is: UMass Amherst, 181 President's Drive, 325 Whitmore Admin. Bldg., Amherst, MA 01003.
Employees and notaries may contact UMass Amherst Human Resources with any questions about completion of the Form I-9 (AskHR).