The Accessible Workplace Unit
Accessible Workplace Unit
The Accessible Workplace Unit (AWU) within Human Resources is responsible for administering reasonable workplace accommodations for faculty and staff through an interactive process. This process begins with employees requesting employment-related accommodations to the AWU either through email at accessibleworkplace [at] umass [dot] edu or in person to arrange an intake meeting. Please note that not all requests require an intake meeting, especially if the request is straightforward and the employee has submitted medical documentation supporting their request.
Examples include but are not limited to:
- requesting proximity parking for medical/temporary disability or pregnancy-related conditions
- requesting ergonomic equipment - unless specialized equipment is needed
- purchasing assistive technologies (ex., Dragon speech software, screen readers)
- interpretation or translation services for meetings
- migraine accommodations (ex., removal of fluorescent lighting from the work area)
As part of the process, employees are encouraged to submit a Reasonable Accommodation Request Form with their initial email or before their meeting.
Alternatively, employees may email accessibleworkplace [at] umass [dot] edu (accessibleworkplace[at]umass[dot]edu) or call (413) 545-3464 to request this form in an alternate format.
Employees should either email the completed Reasonable Accommodation Request Form to accessibleworkplace [at] umass [dot] edu; fax it to 413-545-0802; or mail it to Accessible Workplace, Equal Opportunity, and Access Office, Bartlett Hall Room 225,130 Hicks Way, Amherst, MA 01003.