Employee Inclusivity Trainings
Online trainings in HIPAA, Harassment Prevention and Title IX and more.

UMass Amherst deeply values our responsibility to create and ensure a respectful, safe, and inclusive campus for all community members. New employees are required to attend trainings in Respectful Workplace, State Ethics/Conflict of Interest, Harassment Prevention and Title IX.
HIPAA training is required only for employees who work in specific areas involving protected health information.
Conflict of Interest/Massachusetts Ethics Training
- Conflict of Interest/Massachusetts Ethics training (training available soon!)
All Commonwealth of Massachusetts employees must complete the Conflict of Interest training and acknowledge receipt of the Summary Conflict of Interest Law for State Employees online in HR Direct.
Employees receive an e-mail invitation to complete the Massachusetts State Ethics Commission on-line training. (training available soon!) Course completion is required within 30 days of start of employment.
Start online inclusivity training with Get Inclusive (training available soon!)
Respectful Workplace
The University of Massachusetts is committed to promoting inclusive workplaces, ensuring all employees understand their role in creating a respectful work environment, and providing information on the resources and procedures available to address concerns.
The Creating a Respectful Work Environment training is designed for all employees. We encourage supervisors and managers to attend the Leading for a Respectful Work Environment training.
Who Has to Attend
New employees must attend one of the Respectful Workplace trainings. This includes all faculty, staff, post-doctoral, and graduate student employees who receive stipends. Current employees are also encouraged to attend. All employees required to take this training will be granted release time to attend.
Who Does Not Have to Attend?
Undergraduate and graduate student hourly employees are not expected to attend.
Sign-Up for a Respectful Workplace Online CANVAS Course
These are self-paced online courses via CANVAS. To take either the employee or supervisory workshop online, email wld [at] admin [dot] umass [dot] edu (wld[at]admin[dot]umass[dot]edu). Please specify whether you want to be enrolled in the session for employees or supervisors/managers.
Register Now for One of the Respectful Workplace Zoom or In-Person Training Sessions
Training Sessions:
Harassment Prevention & Title IX
Start Harassment Prevention & Title IX online training with Get Inclusive (training available soon!)
State law requires all new employees to complete a sexual harassment prevention training. Responsible Employees are designated mandatory reporters for sexual harassment and are also required to complete the online training.
The University designates all employees as Responsible Employees, including student employees who receive information about discrimination, harassment, or retaliation in the course of their employment or in conducting employment-related duties with the exception of those who have been designated Confidential Employees. Additional information can be found in the Guide for Responsible Employees.
Please set aside approximately 45 minutes to complete it. The training does not have to be completed all at once. Participants can complete part of the module and then return to the module later at the place where they left off.
If you have difficulty accessing the training module, please contact Get Inclusive at support [at] getinclusive [dot] com (support[at]getinclusive[dot]com). Any questions about the content can be directed to titleixcoordinator [at] umass [dot] edu (titleixcoordinator[at]umass[dot]edu).
HIPAA Training
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Public Law 104-191, was enacted on August 21, 1996. HIPAA requires appropriate safeguards to protect the privacy of protected health information and sets limits and conditions on the uses and disclosures that may be made of such information without an individual's authorization. This training is required only for employees who work in specific areas involving protected health information. If you are required to complete this training, you will be notified. When you click the link, the training will automatically display if it applies to your role. (training available soon!)