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Requirement to Report Sex-Based Discrimination Under Title IX

Who Must Report?

An employee’s responsibility to report information about Unlawful Discrimination based on sex, Sex-based Harassment, and Retaliation to the AVC/EOA under this Policy is governed by their role at the University. 'Responsible Employees' are required to report known or possible policy violations. The University designates all employees as Responsible Employees, with the exception of those who have been designated Confidential Employees. Reporting conduct that may constitute Prohibited Conduct to the AVC/EOA does not necessarily initiate subsequent proceedings, including the Grievance Procedures, nor is participation in the resolution process as a Complainant in the Grievance Procedures required of any individual.

Responsible Employee:

All University employees who are not Confidential Employees are Responsible Employees. All Responsible Employees must report known or possible incidents of Unlawful Discrimination based on sex, Sex-based Harassment, and Retaliation by students, employees, or third parties who are participating or attempting to participate in the University’s education program or activity. Unlawful Discrimination based on sex and Sex-based Harassment include conduct based on sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, and/or pregnancy and pregnancy-related condition(s). Sex-based Harassment includes Sexual Assault, Intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking. Responsible employees must report these incidents, including any known details and the name(s) of alleged Complainant(s) and Respondent(s), to the AVC/EOA. Responsible Employees include student employees who receive information about discrimination, harassment, or retaliation in the course of their employment or in conducting employment-related duties.

Exception for public safety personnel: Although campus police officers are designated as Responsible Employees, if a student, employee, or faculty member reports Sexual Assault or Intimate Partner Violence to UMPD and requests confidentiality, the campus police officer must not disclose the name of the reporting party.

Confidential Employee: 

An employee who, because of their position, may not reveal an individual’s identity or other information without permission, even to the AVC/EOA or Deputy Title IX Coordinator(s).

The following categories of employees are confidential employees:

  • Licensed sexual assault counselors, physicians, psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, clergy, attorneys, university Ombuds employees, and those persons working under the supervision of such individuals, when acting in their professional role providing services to a patient or client;

  • University employees bound by statutory privilege or confidentiality obligations under Massachusetts or federal law, when they are functioning within the scope of that privilege or confidentiality;

  • University employees providing administrative, operational, and/or related support for a Confidential Employee in the performance of such services; and

  • The University’s designated Confidential Resource Provider(s) appointed pursuant to M.G.L. c. 6 §168E(l), when they are functioning within the scope of their role as a Confidential Resource Provider. 

Clery Act Reporting Obligations

Under the Clery Act, certain University employees are designated as Campus Security Authorities. CSAs include: student/conduct affairs, campus law enforcement, local police, coaches, athletic directors, residence life staff, student activities staff, human resources staff, advisors to student organizations, and any other official with significant responsibility for student and campus activities. Based on information reported to CSAs, the University includes statistics about certain criminal offenses in its annual security report and provides those statistics to the United States Department of Education in a manner that does not include any personally identifying information about individuals involved in an incident. The Clery Act also requires the University to issue timely warnings to the University community about certain reported crimes that may pose a serious or continuing threat to students and employees. Consistent with the Clery Act, the University withholds the names and other personally identifying information about the Complainant when issuing timely warnings to the University community.

Who to Report to:

 The Responsible Employee should immediately report the matter to:

How to Report: 

Emergencies: If this is an emergency, please call 9-1-1 from a landline. The UMass Police Department can be reached at (413) 545-2121 for non-emergencies. The Center for Women and Community has a Sexual Assault Support and Advocacy (SASA) Hotline available 24/7: at (413) 545-0800. 

Reports or complaints of sexual harassment under Title IX should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator, Kerri Thompson Tillett, Associate Vice Chancellor for Equal Opportunity and Access. Any person may report sex discrimination, sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and other sexual misconduct including sexual harassment (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute sex discrimination or sexual harassment).

A report to the Title IX Coordinator may be made in person during Equal Opportunity and Access office hours, or at any time via email (@email), telephone, mail, or online using the Report A Concern form, which includes an option for anonymous submission. Please note that reporting a concern to the Title IX Coordinator does not constitute filing an official police report, you must contact the UMPD directly.         

Title IX Coordinator
Kerri Thompson Tillett 
Associate Vice Chancellor for Equal Opportunity and Access
225 Bartlett Hall
130 Hicks Way 
Amherst, Massachusetts 01003
Tel: (413) 545-3464
Email -
Online - Report A Concern

What Will Happen: If the report involves Title IX defined prohibited conduct, the Title IX Coordinator or designees will coordinate the University’s immediate response to the report, including implementing supportive measures. Please let the victim/survivor know that the EOA office will reach out directly to them. The Office of Equal Opportunity and Access will conduct a formal complaint investigation if a complaint is filed.  The university’s response and follow up will take every precaution to ensure privacy. More details on what you can expect once a report is filed.

How to Help:

Encourage the victim/survivor to get support, share Title IX resources

The Center for Women & Community provides crisis intervention; advocacy and assistance in getting medical attention for victims/survivors of all genders.  The Center for Counseling and Psychological Health provides mental health crisis counseling for students. Both centers offer 24/7 support. The Employee Counseling and Consultation Office provides counseling for employees.  Victim/Survivors can also contact the University of Massachusetts Police Department (UMPD), the Dean of Students Office, Equal Opportunity and Access and/or the Title IX Coordinator on behalf of yourself or another. 

What Not to Do: Do not attempt to investigate the matter.

[1] UMass recognizes that an individual may choose to self-identify as a victim or survivor. On this website, we may use victim, survivor, reporter, reporting party, complaining party.
[2] On this website, we may use perpetuator, accused, respondent, responding party.