Classified positions
Positions covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act are generally “Classified.”
In rare instances, a FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) covered position may not fit any state title and thus, cannot be classified. As such, salary administration for the position will be treated as if the position is professional but still subject to overtime rules. Additional Compensation, On-Call Pay and 43 week Appointments are not available to such positions.
Positions are classified based on matching duties and responsibilities with specifications contained in state titles and regulated under Massachusetts General Laws. Pay level of each position depends on the grade level assigned to the appropriate title. Classified positions are divided into the following groups:
Clerical, administrative and technical positions
- Covered by collective bargaining agreement with University Staff Associates/Massachusetts Teachers’ Association (USA/MTA).
- A list of titles can be found in Section D of Appendices.
Skilled trades and labor positions
- Covered by collective bargaining agreement with Local 1776 of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).
- A list of titles can be found in Appendix A.
Those who supervise AFSCME employees
- Covered by collective bargaining agreement with Unit B of the Professional Staff Union/Massachusetts Teachers’ Association (PSU).
- A list of titles is contained in Article I, section 1.1.
- Positions and employees that do not belong to any collective bargaining unit.
Police Officers
- Covered by collective bargaining agreements with the International Brotherhood of Police Officers Local 432 Unit A and Unit B.
- Police Officers have a different salary schedule which can be found within the collective bargaining agreement.
- USA/MTA, AFSCME, PSU Unit B and Non-Unit share the same salary schedule.
- You can also find the salary schedule in each of the collective bargaining agreements.