Birth/Adoption/Placement of a Child - MSP/MTA Employees
Many congratulations on the new addition to your family!
There are many things to consider with this change in family status including entitlement to leave from your job with UMass Amherst, how to expand your insurance coverage(s), modification of beneficiary and/or tax designations and more.
How to Apply for Leave
The Provost's Office Leaves of Absence website provides instructions on how to apply for leave.
Job & Benefits Protected Leave
PSU/MTA employees who become biological, adoptive or foster parents may be eligible for job-and-benefits-protected leave under the federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Massachusetts Parental Leave law (PPL), the Massachusetts Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML) and/or the MSP/MTA collective bargaining agreement (CBA). Leave entitlements under federal law, state law, the collective bargaining agreement and University policy run concurrent.
You are entitled to the greatest benefit available under all that apply to your situation. The:
- FMLA provides up to 12 weeks of leave per calendar year (combined for all covered purposes). To be eligible for leave under FMLA eligibility requires that you have worked:
- for the University for 12 or more months, and
- no fewer than 1,250 hours in the 12 months immediately preceding your leave.
- Your departmental human resources representative you will provide you written confirmation of your employment and insurance protections under the FMLA in response to your request for leave.
- MA Parental Leave: up to 8 weeks of leave per child (if employed full-time by the University for at least 3 months or fulfilled your probationary period, whichever is less). Leave beyond 8 weeks applies if more than one child is born, adopted or placed in foster care.
- PFML: up to 12 weeks of leave is available to qualified PFML-eligible individuals for bonding purposes; additional leave may be available if absent due to a serious health condition related to pregnancy or giving birth. Individuals can also apply to the MA Department of Family Medical Leave (DFML) for partial income replacement while on an approved leave.
The PFML cannot provide income replacement during the first seven (7) calendar days of leave and the university cannot provide income for periods you are paid directly by the DFML. If you will be on a leave not paid by the University please carefully review the Impact of PFML Leave on Benefits.
- The Provost's Office administrates leaves for faculty and librarians covered by the MSP/MTA CBA. Please reference the Provost's Office Leaves of Absence website for CBA-related leave entitlement.
Parental leave can be approved for absences related to preparing for the birth/adoption/placement of your child or for care following birth/adoption/placement.
Please note this website is not intended to fully describe leave entitlements under federal law, state law or the CBA. Where the information on this site differs from the law or CBA the latter shall prevail.
Income While on Approved Leave
You may secure income using accrued sick time. If accrued sick time is not adequate to secure income for the full period of your leave as approved under the CBA you may draw income from the MSP Sick Leave Bank for the balance of your leave (without needing to apply).
If you are on an approved:
- Unpaid leave (including if you are drawing income from the Massachusetts Department of Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML) please carefully review the Impact of Paid Family Medical Leave on Benefits.
- Leave paid by the University:
- Your normal payroll deductions will continue while you are on paid leave. This includes contributions toward insurance and retirement.
- Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP): IRS regulations state that you must be at work in order to incur DCAP-eligible expenses.
Insurance Changes to Consider
There are a number of benefits changes you may wish to consider when a new family member arrives. Representatives at the Human Resources Employee Service Center are able to assist in answering questions.
- GIC Health Insurance: you can add your child to your GIC health insurance plan by completing the enrollment process within 60 days of your child's birth/adoption or placement with you. Premiums are provided in the GIC’s Benefits Decision Guide.
- Dental Insurance: you may add your dependent to your MTA dental insurance plan by completing and returning an MTA Dental Insurance Enrollment/Change form to the Human Resources Employee Service Center with a copy of your child's relationship to you (birth or adoption documentation).
- GIC Optional Life Insurance: within sixty (60) days of your child's birth/adoption you may apply for, or increase, your GIC Optional Life Insurance coverage to up-to-four times (4x) your annual salary without the need to pass a medical evidence of insurability exam . Premiums are provided in the GIC’s Benefits Decision Guide.
You may apply for the coverage:- Online via the MyGICPortal (navigating to Benefits > Qualifying Events > Birth/Adoption) uploading documentation of your child's date of birth/adoption, or
- By completing and returning a GIC Enrollment/Change Form 1 to the Human Resources Employee Service Center with proof of your child's date of birth or adoption.
Flexible Spending Accounts (HCSA, DCAP)
You may wish to enroll, or modify your enrollment, in a Group Insurance Commission (GIC) Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) or Dependent Care Assistance Plan (DCAP):
- Enroll in (or increase your contributions to) either of these tax savings programs by submitting your request with proof of qualifying event online with the GIC's Flexible Spending Account (FSA) vendor within 30 days of your child's birth or adoption.
- Add your child as a dependent in the GIC's FSA vendor's online system.
Beneficiary Changes
You may wish to change your beneficiary(ies) for the:
- Group Insurance Commission (GIC) basic and optional life insurance beneficiaries. You may do this online in the MyGICPortal or by submitting a new GIC Life Insurance Beneficiary Form at the Human Resources Employee Service Center.
- State Employees’ Retirement System by submitting a new SERS Beneficiary Form or SERS Option D Form to the address on the form or at the Human Resources Employee Service Center.
- Optional Retirement Program life insurance by submitting a new ORP Insurance Enrollment and Change form at the Human Resources Employee Service Center.
- 403(b) and/or 457 plans: please contact your vendor directly to change your beneficiary for these account(s).
Other Benefits and Tax Withholding Changes
There are a number of benefits changes you may wish to consider when a new family member arrives. Representatives at the Human Resources Employee Service Center are able to assist in answering questions.
- College Savings Program (529 plan): two post-tax 529 college savings programs managed by Fidelity are available via payroll deduction. Learn more about 529 plans at Enroll or obtain more information on-line at
- UMass Amherst Center for Early Education and Care (CEEC) provides both childcare and childcare resources to members of the University community. Contact CEEC at (413) 545-1566 with questions about services and enrollment.
- You may wish to change your state and/or federal income tax withholding. You can do that online in HR Direct or by submitting updated tax forms at the HR Employee Service Center. Please contact a tax specialist or financial advisor if you require tax advice.