Workplace Bullying Support
Preventing and responding to workplace bullying

Workplace bullying is antithetical to the values UMass Amherst espouses as a place where all people should be free to take full advantage of the learning and employment opportunities the campus offers.
It also violates the Trustee policy, which provides that:
- The conduct of University employees is expected to be characterized by integrity and dignity, and employees should expect and encourage such conduct from others.
- University employees are expected to be honest and to conduct themselves in ways that accord respect to themselves and others.
- University employees are expected to accept full responsibility for their actions, to strive to serve others, and to accord fair and just treatment to all.
- University employees are expected to conduct themselves in ways that foster the forthright expression of opinion and tolerance for the view of others.
As a result of a campus-wide committee's work and with the support of Chancellor Subbaswamy, a comprehensive educational campaign was created aimed at increasing understanding of the problem of workplace bullying, minimizing its occurrence, and clarifying the responsibility of supervisors for ensuring a productive workplace in which all can contribute to their maximum potential. To this day, we require all new employees to take part in the Respectful Workplace Training, with specialized training for staff and supervisors. Additionally, a workplace bullying complaint procedure provides support and guidance to University employees who are being affected by bullying.
Employees who feel that they are experiencing workplace bullying have options for support. We encourage you to reach out to sweldon [at] umass [dot] edu (Susan Weldon), Senior Director for Employee Engagement (413-262-4556) to discuss your concerns and learn more about campus resources that are available to you.
To file a complaint, complete and submit the Workplace Bullying Complaint Form. If you wish to file a formal grievance, please complete and submit the Workplace Bullying Response Form.