USA/MTA Sick Leave Bank Application -family member
for a family member's illness or injury
The USA/MTA Sick Leave Bank (SLB) can provide income security to SLB members who are on an approved medical leave in order to care for a family member with a serious health condition when there is a reasonable expectation that the member will return to perform the essential functions of their job and where the SLB member does not have enough accrued paid leave credits to secure income during the period of leave (reserving two weeks of vacation credits).
This USA/MTA SLB application form provides instructions on how a member can apply for approved leave & the form and instructions for applying for income from the USA/MTA SLB while on approved leave.
You may submit a completed SLB application via:
- U.S. post mailed to: University of Massachusetts Amherst, Human Resources, 325 Whitmore Administration Building, Amherst, MA 01003-9313,
- Facsimile to 413.545.0483
- AskHR online (AskHR click on "submit your questions" > "I am a current UMass employee or student" > "click here to submit a question". Select "my topic is not listed here" > Benefits/Paid Time Off and Choose File to upload your completed application).
- In person at the Human Resources Information Center, room 325 Whitmore Administration Building.
Document Type
BenefitsDisability or illnessAudience
Staff USA/MTALast Updated
Document last updated on November 7, 2024