Tuition Waiver/Remission Form
for benefited UMass Amherst employees and retirees
Benefited University of Massachusetts Amherst faculty, staff and PostDoctoral employees are eligible for a discount on tuition for courses taken at Massachusetts public institutions of higher education as described in the Trustee tuition discount policy and summarized on the Tuition Waiver webpage.
Tuition Waiver/Remission request process:
Tuition Waiver/Remission requests must be submitted for each semester in which classes are taken (no more than 120 days prior to the start of the semester and before the end of add/drop for that semester). Please use the online Tuition Waiver/Remission Form to request reduction in tuition charged for classes taken at a Massachusetts public institution of higher education.
If you are unable to access the online form please, complete the pdf Tuition Waiver/Remission form provided here and submit it online via AskHR – please note, your signature is required on the form. Alternatively you can complete a paper form with us in person at the Human Resources Employee Service Center, please check our website for location & hours of public operation.
Following receipt of your request, a Human Resources representative will review your request and e-mail you a completed tuition waiver/remission form.
Please note - if classes are being taken at:
- UMass Amherst, Human Resources will share the completed form with both you and the UMass Amherst Bursar's Office. Please allow the Bursar's Office two weeks to apply the discount to your account.
- Another MA public institution of higher education, please ensure you submit the completed form to the Bursar at the school where classes are being taken and contact that Bursar's Office directly with questions about the status of the discount being applied to your account.
Document Type
Faculty MSP Academic YearFaculty MSP Calendar YearFaculty Non-Unit Calendar YearLibrariansNEPBA New England Police Benevolent AssociationPolice IBPOStaff AFSCMEStaff Non-Unit ClassifiedStaff Non-Unit ProfessionalStaff PSU Unit AStaff PSU Unit BStaff USA/MTALast Updated
Document last updated on June 14, 2024