GIC Health Insurance - Enroll for Coverage or Add Dependent(s)
GIC-eligible employees may enroll for, or add a dependent to, your GIC health insurance plan:
- During April open enrollment for coverage effective the following July 1
- Within 60 days (and proof) of a qualifying event such as birth/adoption/placement of a child, marriage or dependent’s involuntary loss of coverage under another plan.
You can accomplish this in any of the three following ways:
- Complete and submit a GIC Insurance Enrollment and Change Form (Form 1) with supporting documentation *at the UMass Human Resources Employee Service Center. If you are adding a dependent child between 19 and 26 years of age the GIC will also require a Dependent Age 19 to 26 Enrollment/Change Form.
- Complete the GIC Insurance Enrollment and Change Form (From 1) online using MyGICLink (uploading supporting documentation*)
- Via the MyGICLink Portal (selecting 'qualifying event' and following prompts from there), completing the enrollment process online, uploading supporting documentation.*
If enrolling for coverage, or moving from an individual to a family health insurance plan, the GIC will invoice you at home for additional premium retroactively due (premiums are available in the GIC State Employee Benefits Guide). Timely payment of premiums billed to you at home are critical to securing and maintaining coverage.
* supporting documentation includes proof of the date of the qualifying event and proof of relationship to the dependent/s you are adding to your plan (eg marriage certificate for a spouse, birth/adoption/placement documentation for a qualifying child).