If you use nicotine or tobacco and are ready to quit, or just want to learn more and explore treatment options, these programs and resources can help.
- Appointments: Call (413) 577-5101 for an appointment with a UHS provider to discuss your nicotine/tobacco use and treatment options, including prescription medications.
- Nicotine Replacement Therapy: Whether you are ready to quit tobacco or just worried about how to get through the day without it, nicotine replacement therapy can help. UHS Pharmacy offers the patch, gum or lozenge.
- Acupuncture: Acupuncture can be an effective adjunct to treatment for quitting tobacco. Acupuncture services are available at UHS to UMass students, faculty and staff by appointment; call (413) 577-6511. The Student Health Benefit Plan covers acupuncture at UHS. Treatment is also available on a fee-for-service basis; if your insurance plan covers acupuncture, you may submit claims to them for reimbursement.
The UMass Public Health Promotion Center (PHPC)'s Tobacco Treatment Specialist can help you achieve a tobacco-free life by developing a quit plan that works for you. The highest success rate for quitting tobacco is seen in those who use a combination of medication therapies with the support of a quit coach. Let us help you get connected to the resources you need so you can begin your quit journey. Call (413) 577-8888 or email phpc@umass.edu to learn more.
Get connected to a FREE trained quit coach by phone or online. They’ll share strategies to curb cravings, handle life’s big and small stresses, and tackle relapses with you. No lectures. No judgments. Read about what 1-800-QUIT-NOW has to offer, including specialized support.
The Employee Counseling & Consultation Office (ECCO) offers free on-campus and telehealth counseling for faculty and staff.