- Primary Care & General Medicine
- Urgent Care
- Specialty Appointments
- Self-Scheduled Appointments
- Mental Health
Primary Care & General Medicine Appointments
Call (413) 577-5101 to schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified doctors or advanced practice clinicians for...
- Primary Care
- Diagnosis & treatment of new or ongoing illnesses, injuries, acute & chronic conditions
- Gender-affirming care
- Health screenings
- Immunizations
- Medication management
- Pediatrics
- Physical exams/annual well visits
- Referrals
- Sexual health care
Choose one:
A) Schedule a same-day appointment
- Monday-Friday, call (413) 577-5101 early in the morning to make an appointment at a time that works best for you.
B) Join the Virtual Waiting Room
- Join online or text UMASSUHS to 413-992-3326. You'll get a text message when it’s your turn to arrive and check in. You can send a text to request more time or leave the queue. Learn More
C) Can't Wait?
- If you need immediate care, proceed directly to UHS without joining the virtual waiting room. In a life-threatening emergency, call 911.
Specialty Appointments
You can use the UMass Patient Portal to self-schedule certain appointments.
Asymptomatic STI Screening
If you have no symptoms or exposure to an STI, log in to the portal and go to UHS Nursing & Specialty Care > Appointments (calendar icon).
Required Immunization Appointment
Students who are missing required immunizations: log in to the portal and go to UHS Nursing & Specialty Care > Appointments (calendar icon).
Same-Day Mental Health Counseling
Log in to the portal go to Center for Counseling & Psychological Health > Appointments (calendar icon).
The Center for Counseling and Psychological Health (CCPH) offers a community of care to UMass Amherst students to help cope with stress or anxiety, find strategies to overcome challenges, promote mental wellbeing, and succeed in college life and beyond.
CCPH is available 24/7 days per week for mental health emergencies. Call (413) 545-2337 and follow the prompts to reach the on-call clinician.