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PLEASE NOTE: Due to a high volume of inquiries, the medical director’s office is not currently accepting drop-in visits from students or families with regard to:

  • Undergraduate medical withdrawals
  • Re-enrollment after withdrawal
  • Prior term withdrawals
  • Graduate student leave of absences
  • Return from leave of absence
  • Medical housing accommodations

Inquiries about any of the topics listed above should be submitted one of the following ways:

  • Email to @email with the student’s name, date of birth, and a brief description of what is needed (email is not a secure method of communication for sensitive information), or
  • Voicemail message left at 413-577-5271 with student’s name, date of birth, and a brief description of what is needed.

Sometimes, health issues can affect your ability to continue courses or stay in school. It is very important that you take care of yourself and seek treatment for both physical and emotional health problems that are impacting your ability to complete your work. If you decide to submit a medical withdrawal for a given semester, you will be dropping all classes for that semester. You cannot use a medical withdrawal to drop one or two courses and keep others. (See Course Withdrawals below for what to do if you want to withdraw from some courses but keep others.)

For medical withdrawal forms and information, please email the Medical Director's office at or call 413-577-5271.


Course Withdrawals

Students who want to withdraw from select courses, but who do not wish to medically withdraw from the entire semester, should refer to the Dean of Students' website for information on this process.

University Withdrawals

If a health problem prevents you from successfully completing the semester's course work, you can request a medical withdrawal from the university. In rare circumstances, students may be asked to withdraw involuntarily.

If you want to withdraw from school voluntarily due to your health problem, you must receive a recommendation from a UHS clinician or an outside provider. UHS's medical director makes the final determination. To return to school, you must show proof that your health problem no longer prevents you from successfully completing course work. In most cases, at least one academic semester must pass before readmission can be considered. 

Rarely, students are asked to leave school involuntarily, due to serious life-threatening circumstances. These withdrawals are approved by UHS’s medical director, with input from the Dean of Students' Office. Involuntary withdrawals may be appealed; procedures are available from the Registrar’s Office. To return, students must show they can attend school safely. A letter from the student's medical or mental health provider is required for readmission.

Withdrawal Forms

For withdrawal and re-enrollment forms, or for more information, email the Medical Director's office at or call 413-577-5271. Withdrawal and re-enrollment forms are also available from the Dean of Students' Office in room 227 of the Whitmore Administration Building.