Nagurney to Deliver Inaugural INFORMS Practice Webinar on Perishable Product Supply Chains and COVID-19

Anna Nagurney webinar

Anna Nagurney, the John F. Smith Memorial Professor of Operations Management at the Isenberg School and the director of the Virtual Center for Supernetworks, will deliver a webinar at noon on Friday, June 12. The webinar is the inaugural webinar of the INFORMS Practice Section and is entitled, “Blood, Sweat, and PPEs: Rescuing Perishable Product Supply Chains and Impacting Policy Through Analytics.”

In her webinar, Nagurney will discuss the research of her and her team on food supply chains, PPE shortages, and blood supply chains, and the impacts of disruptions due to COVID-19. She will also highlight some very recent research on reinvisioning supply chains to include labor and its possible distribution for resilience as well as the potential promise of convalescent plasma for treatment of COVID-19 in patients and associated challenges. She will conclude with a discussion of the importance of communicating such research to the public and how one can have positive policy impact.

The presentation will be followed with a question and answer session with Patricia Neri and Carrie Beam joining Nagurney as panelists.

The INFORMS Practice Section serves the entire community of full-time and part-time practitioners. While it focuses on practical applications, the Practice Section has wide interests that range over the full scope of analytics/operations research/management sciences methods and fields of application.

The webinar is free and registration is open to the public.