View Your Pay Statement in HR Direct
Your pay statement shows you the balance of your earned personal, sick and vacation time, your direct deposit distribution amounts, your employee ID and campus ID. Your pay statements are available in HR Direct. Your union code is also on your paycheck, under After Tax Deductions, if you chose to have your dues deducted from payroll.
How to View Your Paycheck in HR Direct
- Log in to HR Direct using your Net ID and Password
- Select Amherst
- You are now logged in and see your Homepage
- On the Employee Self-Service Menu click Payroll
- Select and click on a pay statement and a copy of your pay statement should open
Download step-by-step instructions here.
If Your Pay Statement Does Not Open
If your pay statement does not open most likely it is because your browser is blocking it. Look for pop-up blocker information in your browser address window. More pop-up blocker resources below.