Principles of Employee Conduct
The conduct of UMass Amherst employees is guided, in part, by federal law, state law, University policy including policies enacted by the University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees.
Institutions of higher education are entrusted with great resources and commensurably great responsibilities. They must meet their mission of research, teaching, and service in ways that truly enrich the society that supports them and truly serve the students, parents, and alumni who in joining the university community become life-long members of the extended university learning family. College and university leaders play a key role in assuring that high standards of ethical practice attend to the delivery of services to their various constituents and to the custody and use by all their faculty, staff and students of the resources entrusted to them. The University of Massachusetts embraces the values expressed in these Principles of Employee Conduct and expects their observance by all its employees.
University of Massachusetts Amherst employees are expected to comport themselves in keeping with the University of Massachusetts Principles of Employee Conduct.