Fouad Abd-El-Khalick
Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
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Faculty Activity Project
The vision of the Faculty Activity Project is to develop a robust system for UMass Amherst faculty to efficiently track their research, teaching, and service efforts. Once curated in Watermark, this organized professional information can be deployed for multiple purposes, including generation of custom CVs, Bio sketches, and public-facing web pages, to better characterize research, teaching, and service activities, and facilitate the annual faculty review.

Operational Excellence Initiative
The UMass Operational Excellence Initiative is reviewing the administrative structures, strategies, services, practices, processes, roles, and culture for the executive area of Academic Affairs (with the exception of the College of Natural Sciences) and the units within Information Technology, Human Resources, Administration & Finance, and Research & Engagement that interface with Academic Affairs.

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The Public Flagship University of Massachusetts
The University of Massachusetts Amherst was founded in 1863 as a land-grant university dedicated to educating the public, generating new knowledge, and applying discoveries to the betterment of society—a mission we still stand for today as the Commonwealth’s leading public research university. Looking ahead through our latest strategic plan, we are confident we can deliver for the people of Massachusetts and beyond a public university that provides revolutionary ideas and impact that is on par with the best national and global public universities.