Omar Abdelrahman
Designing catalytic materials for advanced energy and chemical production.

Bethany (Buffy) Adamski
Advising for graduate students, support for Graduate Program Director, student events and seminars
David Ahlfeld
Civil Engineering. Environmental Engineering and Water Resources Engineering.

Chris J Ahmadjian
Associate Director of the UMass Transportation Center
Chengbo Ai
Civil Engineering. Transportation Engineering.

Neal Anderson
Honors Program Director
Fundamental physical aspects of information and computation and their implications for future information and communication technologies.

Timothy J. Anderson
Emeritus distinguished professor in chemical engineering.

Aneesha Andreadis
Aneesha provides career counseling for undergraduates, serves as liaison to JSES and industry contacts, and spearheads new programs.

Konstantinos Andreadis
Civil Engineering. Environmental Engineering and Water Resources Engineering.

Lauren Andrews
Marvin and Eva Schlanger Faculty Fellow, Chemical Engineering
Uncovering how to program and engineer living bacterial cells and synthetic bacterial communities using predictive design and synthetic biology.