4 results
Jun Yan
Associate Professor, Physics
yan [at] physics [dot] umass [dot] edu
Yan is affiliated with the Materials Science and Engineering interdisciplinary graduate program in the College of Engineering.
Jun Yao
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Adjunct, Biomedical Engineering
Adjunct, Biomedical Engineering
juny [at] umass [dot] edu
(413) 545-3324
Nanoelectronic devices and sensors, Bioelectronic interfaces and wearable devices, 'Green' electronics made from biomaterials.
Sigfrid Yngvesson
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mingx You
Associate Professor, Chemistry
mingxuyou [at] chem [dot] umass [dot] edu
You is affiliated with the Materials Science and Engineering interdisciplinary graduate program in the College of Engineering.