Marie Wallace
Provides ChE graduate student admin support and responsible for HR appointments for both graduate students and postdocs.

Catherine G Wanat
Assistant to the department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Jessica Washer
Manage faculty grant accounts. Processes purchases, travel, reconciling, and re-budgets, financial record keeping for ChE

Sherrie Webb-Yagodzinski
Lab manager responsible for overseeing management and support of the Elab II laboratories and associated facilities.
Xiaojun Wei
Focus on: Nanoparticles, Nanopore, Biosensing, Small Molecules,

Zachary Westgate
Civil Engineering. Geotechnical Engineering.

Mark Lome Wetzel
Assistant to the department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Ryan Wicks
Departmental Assistant
Departmental Assistant to the UMass Transportation Center

Adrian "A.J." Wilson
Directs the operation and use of BME's teaching labs to ensure a productive and safe learning environment.

Richard Winn
Director of the MIE Machine Shop— training of machining equipment. Fabricates & machines items needed for class projects, student clubs & research projects.