Invited Lectures
Distinguished speakers on a variety of topics across engineering and related fields.
Tang Lecture
The annual Shirley and Ting-Wei Tang Endowment Lecture Series, founded in 1999, brings leaders of both engineering education and engineering-based companies to campus to present major talks. Lectures cover subjects such as engineering education, entrepreneurship, global engineering issues, and engineering and business leadership.
More about the Tang Lecture, and past lecturers
Feng Lecture
The Tsuan Hua Feng Distinguished Lecture Series, founded in 1989, brings to campus a distinguished professional engineer or educator in the field of civil and/or environmental engineering to present a major talk, interact with students and faculty, and augment the education in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
More about the Feng Lecture, and past lecturers
Malkin Lecture Series
Established in memory of Distinguished Professor Emeritus Stephen Malkin, this annual lecture within the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering attracts a wide variety of expert speakers who inspire our learning community on issues of innovation and progress in the field of manufacturing.
More about the Stephen Malkin Lecture Series, and past lecturers
Distinguished Scientist & Engineer Seminar Series
This series showcases the work of accomplished faculty from underrepresented groups. Invited scholars will give a research presentation and lead a second workshop to share their perspective on navigating an academic career. Co-sponsored by the College of Natural Sciences and the College of Engineering.