

Research and Innovation to Translate Basic Science into Product Candidates

The Institute for Applied Life Sciences (IALS) translates fundamental research into innovative product candidates, technologies, and services that deliver benefits to human health and well-being. Our specific objectives are to: (1) Become a catalyst and resource for ‘applied’ and ‘translational’ R&D activities; (2) Establish industry engagement models and industry collaborations; (3) Contribute to workforce development; and (4) Participate to innovation & entrepreneurship culture on campus.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

    • Tuesday, January 28 

    Intellectual Property Law Office Hours with Tani Chen

    For many technology-based startups creating and securing intellectual property is essential to building a company development and fund raising. Patents, copyrighting, trademarks, trade secrets, and licensing are all tools that can be used to build value. Founders are challenged to leverage these tools to create value and reduce risk, while constrained by scarce resources and before they have retained intellectual property counsel for the company.

    10:00 to 12:00 pm - Virtual
    • Tuesday, February 11 

    Startup Law Office Hours

    IALS Venture Development offers Startup Law Office Hours with Matt Whitehead for founders who want to gain a better understanding of legal issues in support of their efforts toward startup formation, team development, and working with investors.
    10:00 to 12:00 pm - Virtual
    • Tuesday, February 11 

    Special Seminar-Learn How to Better Support Alzheimer's and Dementia Participants in Your Research

    Meghan Lemay, Regional Manager of Alzheimer's Association of Western MA, joins us for a presentation on understanding Alzheimer's disease and dementia, including current treatments and risk factors. The program will also provide tips on how to better interact and communicate with individuals living with dementia. You will also learn about resources available to support families impacted by Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

    11:00 to 12:00 pm - LSL S330-340 and ZOOM
  • Recent News

    Recent News


    NSF Program Director Pradeep Fulay Visits UMass Amherst

    Dr. Pradeep Fulay, Program Director for the Directorate for Technology and Partnerships at the National Science Foundation (NSF), came for a site visit to learn what UMass Amherst Accelerating Research Translation (ART) has been doing to accelerate translational research on campus.

    Translational Research

    • Models for Optimized Drug Delivery 

    Center for Bioactive Delivery

    CBD creates new ways to deliver “The right drug to the right place: by creating novel delivery platforms for small and large molecules.”  Developing a wide range of delivery platforms matched to bioactive molecular delivery needs based on fundamental design principles, including nanoemulsions, nanoparticles, hybrid particles, bacteria, and hydrogels.

    • Wearable Sensors for Precision Healthcare Delivery & Biometric Monitoring 

    Center for Personalized Health Monitoring

    CPHM seeks to tackle real-world problems in the emerging field of digital healthcare, wearable sensor technologies, and personalized, precision healthcare delivery, interfacing closely with provider networks, hospitals, and industry across the Massachusetts Commonwealth, and the world.

    • Translating Fundamental Biology into New Targets, Leads & Disease Models 

    Models to Medicine Center

    M2M leverages mechanistic insights into molecular pathways implicated in cell health and in disease pathology to identify novel drug targets and therapeutic candidates.

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    Shared Resources

    UMass Amherst Core Facilities

    We work together with researchers toward a singular goal: advancing applied science and technology to address the world’s most pressing challenges. The UMass Amherst Core Facilities offer expertise and resources that create new opportunities, not only for scientific achievement, but also for establishing new models of collaboration.

    Light Microscopy

    Nine different Nikon microscopes available that enable a full range of light microscopy methods and applications. Expert support offered for acquisition and analysis of data.

    Animal Imaging

    This facility conducts research using equipment capable of fluorescence and luminescence imaging independent of or concurrent with CT imaging.