Research and Innovation to Translate Basic Science into Product Candidates
The Institute for Applied Life Sciences (IALS) translates fundamental research into innovative product candidates, technologies, and services that deliver benefits to human health and well-being. Our specific objectives are to: (1) Become a catalyst and resource for ‘applied’ and ‘translational’ R&D activities; (2) Establish industry engagement models and industry collaborations; (3) Contribute to workforce development; and (4) Participate to innovation & entrepreneurship culture on campus.
Upcoming Events
Opening Reception-IALS/Building Bridges Special Projects Installation and Random Acts of Kindness
As the Building Bridges team prepares for its eighth annual Showcase Event, the initiative's Worker Artists Group is launching their annual Random Acts of Kindness Through Art (RAK) campaign. This year, the campaign will launch in conjunction with the opening reception of a special projects installation at the Institute for Applied Life Sciences (IALS). This special installation features the creative work of 12 Building Bridges Worker Artists and can be viewed in the Life Science Laboratories.
Startup Law Office Hours
Translational Graduate Student Symposium
This symposium will feature the students who participated in 2024 IALS Translational Graduate Student Assistantship. They will share the steps they have taken towards translation, their pathway from basic research to an innovative product, and reflect on their experience and what they have learned.
Recent News
Translational Graduate Student Symposium
This symposium will feature the students who participated in 2024 IALS Translational Graduate Student Assistantship. They will share the steps they have taken towards translation, their pathway from basic research to an innovative product, and reflect on their experience and what they have learned.
2025 Western Massachusetts Health Tech Challenge Finalists
Congratulations to the UMass startups who have been selected as the 2025 Western Massachusetts Health Tech Challenge finalists!
Katherine Reeves and Chang Liu Work to Revolutionize PFAS Research
In an interview with WesternMass News Katherine Reeves and Chang Liu discuss how their work to revolutionize PFAS research.
Translational Research
Center for Bioactive Delivery
CBD creates new ways to deliver “The right drug to the right place: by creating novel delivery platforms for small and large molecules.” Developing a wide range of delivery platforms matched to bioactive molecular delivery needs based on fundamental design principles, including nanoemulsions, nanoparticles, hybrid particles, bacteria, and hydrogels.
Center for Personalized Health Monitoring
CPHM seeks to tackle real-world problems in the emerging field of digital healthcare, wearable sensor technologies, and personalized, precision healthcare delivery, interfacing closely with provider networks, hospitals, and industry across the Massachusetts Commonwealth, and the world.
Models to Medicine Center
M2M leverages mechanistic insights into molecular pathways implicated in cell health and in disease pathology to identify novel drug targets and therapeutic candidates.
Welcome to the IALS Virtual Tour
Shared Resources
We work together with researchers toward a singular goal: advancing applied science and technology to address the world’s most pressing challenges. The UMass Amherst Core Facilities offer expertise and resources that create new opportunities, not only for scientific achievement, but also for establishing new models of collaboration.
The IALS Collaboratories are research laboratory spaces for industry partners located in the Life Science Laboratories on the UMass Amherst Campus.
Light Microscopy
Nine different Nikon microscopes available that enable a full range of light microscopy methods and applications. Expert support offered for acquisition and analysis of data.
Advanced Digital Design and Fabrication
3D printing, design consulting, and additive manufacturing workshops, all with industrial-grade, state-of-the-art, metal and polymer 3D printers. Contact us to get started!
Featured Content

Innovation Services
IALS Venture Development programs are here to help you! Our programs support development of startups and industry partnerships by UMass researchers based upon their technologies and product concepts.

Student Engagement
Providing students from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) hands-on training and experience in the use and operation of a state-of-the art research equipment, experience gathering data and data analysis, and the development of team science.

Funding & Benefits
IALS Research Centers (CBD, CPHM, M2M) contribute incentive funds to stimulate novel uses of the Core Facilities as well as subsidize training for student users. The IALS midigrant is a flexible seed fund mechanism up to $20,000 to enable new translational research and explore new collaborations within IALS. The Manning/IALS Innovation Grants provide up to $100,000/award to advance translational and applied R&D efforts from faculty groups and startup companies.