Pervasive sensing and communications
With advances in wireless technology, “smart” computing components are now embedded in the systems we use every day. Here at the UMass Amherst College of Engineering, we tackle everything from the design and security of these innovative sensing devices to the interconnection of their associated components, as well as the analytics to transform data into actionable information that can be utilized to enhance our lives.
We are developing wearable bioimpedance devices to monitor for heart failure in patients in their homes; we are creating neuromorphic computing fabrics based on memristor technology that can be integrated with sensors, such as digital cameras, to perform event-driven decision making at the edge; we are designing autonomous wireless IoT networks using AI/ML techniques.
Our Microwave Remote Sensing Lab and the Paros Center for Atmospheric Research work to improve hazardous weather predictions, alert systems, and policies that will save lives. The UMass Transportation Center, UMass Air, and Human Performance Lab work on intelligent transportations systems and smart cities, including the use of unoccupied aerial systems for roadway & environmental monitoring.
Featured organizations
Paros Center for Atmospheric Research
Accelerating UMass Amherst's cutting-edge work in atmospheric research and hazard mitigation.
Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory
Specializes in the conception, design, and implementation of advanced microwave and millimeter-wave systems for remote sensing of the geophysical environment
Quantum Information Systems
Bolstering creative and collaborative partnerships to solidify UMass Amherst’s position in the cutting-edge field of quantum information systems
Related faculty
Marco Duarte
Signal and image processing, compressive sensing, dimensionality reduction, machine learning, computational imaging, distributed sensing, sensor networks.

Stephen Frasier
Remote sensing and radar technology/applications in meteorology and oceanography.

Mario Parente
Remote Sensing of planetary and terrestrial surfaces and atmospheres, hyperspectral signal and image processing.

Paul Siqueira
Co-director of the Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory
Adjunct, Geosciences
Environmental remote sensing sensor and algorithm development using radar, radiometers and other microwave systems flown on satellites, small-sats and aircraft.

Qiangfei Xia
Emerging devices and integrated systems for in-memory computing, neuromorphic computing, machine intelligence, smart sensing, etc.

Michael Zink
Paros Professor of Geophysical Sensing Systems
Co-director, Paros Center for Atmospheric Research
Adjunct, Computer Science
Co-director of the Center for Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere (CASA) and PI of the Massachusetts Open Cloud (MOC).

Lauren Andrews
Marvin and Eva Schlanger Faculty Fellow, Chemical Engineering
Uncovering how to program and engineer living bacterial cells and synthetic bacterial communities using predictive design and synthetic biology.

Fatima Anwar
Emerging Embedded Technologies; Cyber-physical Systems Security; Distributed Learning for the Edge; Time-Aware System Design; Human-centered Computing.

Joseph Bardin
Low noise/low power cryogenic integrated circuits for radio astronomy and the quantum information sciences.

Amir Arbabi
Experimental and theoretical aspects of nanophotonics, flat optics, photonic integrated circuits.

Lixin Gao
Internet Routing, Cloud Computing, Distributed Frameworks for Machine Learning, Privacy-Preserving Data Analytics

Dennis Goeckel
Design and analysis of secure point-to-point communication links and wireless networks: security and privacy.

Jeremy Gummeson
Designs small form factor embedded computer systems that gracefully scale performance with available harvested energy

David Irwin
Adjunct, Computer Science
Leads the Sustainable Computing Lab, which focuses on designing distributed software systems with an emphasis on improving efficiency and sustainability.

Robert Jackson
Modeling of active and passive microwave circuits, active antennas, microwave and millimeter wave integrated circuit design, electromagnets for microwave system

Ramakrishna Janaswamy
Conducting research on the application of electromagnetic theory to antennas, wireless and RF systems, radar and wireless propagation, linear systems.

Do-Hoon Kwon
Engineering electromagnetics for antennas and arrays; microwave metasurface technologies for electromagnetic wave control.

Beatriz Lorenzo
B5G/6G networks, wireless networks, mobile computing, network economics, AI, quantum networks

David McLaughlin
Previously directed a major national research center addressing next generation weather radar. Current focus on undergraduate teaching.

Brenda Philips
Co-Director, Paros Center for Atmospheric Research
Hazardous weather warning as a socio-technical system; explicit linkages between human dimensions and technical/meteorological dimensions.

Hossein Pishro-Nik
Information Theory, Privacy and Security, Statistical Learning and Decision Making, Wireless Networks, Vehicular Communications and Networking.

Sanjay Raman
Dean, College of Engineering
Microelectronics, RF/microwave/mm-wave circuits & antennas, analog/mixed-signal ICs, RF MEMS, 3D/HI, & integrated wireless communications & sensor microsys

Marinos Vouvakis
Applied and Computational Electromagnetics, EM CAD Design, Domain Decomposition Methods, Finite Element Methods, Boundary Element Methods, Hybrid Techniques.