There are many academic support services that are available for all engineering students. You should make use of these resources early and often each semester. 

The first stop for all students should be your course syllabus - make sure to take advantage of faculty and TA office hours. If you cannot make office hours due to a course conflict, reach out to your instructor and explain the situation.

If you require help that is not covered by the resources below, please fill out an Academic Support Request Form. We'll do our best to support your needs.

If you have any questions, reach out to Associate Dean rees [at] umass [dot] edu (Paula Rees) or Assistant Dean jhoke [at] umass [dot] edu (Julia Hoke)

The Learning Resource Center (LRC)

Provides Course-Based Peer Tutoring (drop-in and by appointment), Study Skills Tutoring, and group review sessions or Supplemental Instruction (SI).  It is located on the 10th Floor, W.E.B. DuBois Library.  Learn more about how the LRC is available to assist Engineering students on our Learning Resource Center for Engineers page.

In-House College of Engineering Tutoring and Peer Support

Depending on need, the College coordinates across the departments to provide support for engineering courses not covered with sufficient TA support or by the LRC. Visit our Engineering In-House Student Support page for more information.