UHS Prepares to Deliver Health Care and Symptomatic COVID-19 Testing

University Health Services (UHS) has spent the summer caring for the health of a small on-campus population and preparing for the return this fall of students to campus and surrounding towns. In-person and telehealth appointments are available at UHS for faculty, staff and students living on campus and off campus.

When approaching the University Health Services facility this fall, patients will notice new tents and signs around the building. Patients should look for the signs for their destination clinic, maintain social distancing and mask-wearing as they approach the outdoor reception area, and be screened for COVID-19 by reception staff.

To maintain safety in the building for a greater number of patients and staff, many changes have been implemented. These include the creation of a negative pressure examination room in the new Respiratory Clinic; new outdoor, tented reception stations; and new systems for self-scheduling COVID-19 testing and accessing telemedicine, including a COVID-19 Hotline (413-577-5128).

The walk-in clinic is closed to manage the number of patients in the building. Instead of walking in, patients are asked to text or call the UHS MinuteNursefor health concerns that can’t wait for an appointment.

Below, learn where to go for care. Visit umass.edu/uhs for more information.


  • South/Central Clinics.The appropriate general medicine clinic will be indicated upon scheduling an appointment.
  • Urgent Care.For needs that are urgent but not life-threatening, such as sexual assault, allergic reaction, orthopedic injury or bleeding, patients can come to UHS right away.
  • Eye Care.Telemedicine and in-person appointments available.
  • Pharmacy.Prescriptions and over-the-counter products will be dispensed through a window to patients waiting outdoors.



  • Physical Therapy.Physical therapy appointments will also be offered at Boyden Gym.
  • Providers: Gallo, Cohen-McKeon, Cuevas.
  • Lab.
  • Radiology.
  • Acupuncture.