Professor Emeritus

photo of George Avrunin

Research Interests: Modeling and analysis of distributed and concurrent systems, including those with human participants

photo of George Avrunin

Adjunct Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Affiliated faculty in CICS

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray


A headshot of R. Inanc Baykur.

Research Interests: Geometry and Topology

A headshot of R. Inanc Baykur.

Senior Lecturer II

Jeff Beaulieu.

This page communicates my availability and professional activity.

Jeff Beaulieu.

Senior Lecturer II

A headshot of Catherine Benincasa.
A headshot of Catherine Benincasa.

Visiting Assistant Professor

A headshot of Manas Bhatnagar.
A headshot of Manas Bhatnagar.

Professor; Director, Graduate Program

Tom Braden

Research Interests: Topology of algebraic varieties; Representation Theory; Combinatorics

Tom Braden


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Lefschetz Fibrations, Low dimensional topology, Mapping Class Groups, Geometry

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Assistant Professor

A headshot of Andreas Buttenschoen.

Research Interests: Mathematical Biology; Non-local PDEs; Numerical and analytical bifurcation theory; Reaction diffusion equations; Computational Biology

A headshot of Andreas Buttenschoen.


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Lecturer II


Research Interests: Mathematical Education, Mathematical Self-Efficacy, Barriers to STEM completion, Impacts of Gender and Race in Mathematical Experiences and Persistence, Group Work Structures and Dynamics


Visiting Assistant Professor

Fei Cao standing on top a mountain.

Research Interests: Interacting particle system, Partial differential equations, Theoretical computer science

Fei Cao standing on top a mountain.

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Associate Professor

A headshot of Qian-Yong Chen.

Research Interests: Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

A headshot of Qian-Yong Chen.


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Differential Geometry and Topology

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Marshall H. Stone Visiting Assistant Professor

Ziyu Chen.
Ziyu Chen.

Assistant Professor

A headshot of Weiqi Chu.

Research Interests: Network science; Data-driven modeling and inference; Model reduction and scientific computing.

A headshot of Weiqi Chu.

Professor; Director, Stat MS Graduate Admissions (Mount Ida Campus)

A headshot of Erin Conlon.

Research Interests: Statistics; Bayesian methods for data science, big data and analytics; bioinformatics; biostatistics.

A headshot of Erin Conlon.

Senior Lecturer

Maria Correia.

Research Interests: Dynamical systems, billiard systems, ergodic theory

Maria Correia.

Senior Lecturer

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Lecturer

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Associate Professor

A headshot of Matthew Dobson.

Research Interests: Multiscale modeling, numerical analysis

A headshot of Matthew Dobson.

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Simons Postdoctoral Research Associate

A headshot of Daniel Eceizabarrena.

Research Interests: Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Dispersive PDEs

A headshot of Daniel Eceizabarrena.

Associate Professor

Patrick Flaherty.

Research Interests: large-scale genomic data, hierarchical Bayesian models, variational inference, robust experiment design

Patrick Flaherty.

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Professor; Coordinator, Statistics Program

A headshot of Krista Gile.

Research Interests: social science statistics, social networks, sampling, network sampling, link-tracing sampling, respondent-driven sampling

A headshot of Krista Gile.

Senior Lecturer

Shai Gorsky, speaking.

Research Interests: Bayesian Nonparametrics, Multi-Scale Modeling, Social Science

Shai Gorsky, speaking.

Assistant Professor

A headshot of Maryclare Griffin.
A headshot of Maryclare Griffin.

Professor; Director, Math PhD Graduate Admissions

Paul Gunnells writing on a chalkboard.

Research Interests: Number theory

Paul Gunnells writing on a chalkboard.

Associate Professor

A headshot of Owen Gwilliam.

Research Interests: quantum field theory, derived geometry, higher categories

A headshot of Owen Gwilliam.


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Algebraic geometry

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education and Professor

Farshid Hajir.

Research Interests: Algebraic number theory

Farshid Hajir.


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

A Havens is a lecturer interested in geometric topology and the history of mathematics.

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Lecturer

A headshot of Eric Heinzman.
A headshot of Eric Heinzman.

Adjunct Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Lecturer II

A headshot of Joanna Jeneralczuk.
A headshot of Joanna Jeneralczuk.

Senior Lecturer

A headshot of Hans Johnston.

Research Interests: Scientific Computing and Fluid Dynamics

A headshot of Hans Johnston.

Associate Professor

Lulu Kang.

Research Interests: Statistical Design of Experiments, Statistical Learning, Uncertainty Quantification, Bayesian Statistics and Approximate Inference, Optimization, Application of Data Science

Lulu Kang.

Professor; Director, Applied Mathematics & Computation; Director, Applied Math MS Graduate Admissions

Markos Katsoulakis.

Research Interests: Generative Modeling, Scientific Machine Learning, Information Theory, Uncertainty Quantification, Multi-scale Methods

Markos Katsoulakis.

Distinguished Professor

Panos Kevrekidis.

Research Interests: Mathematical Physics; Nonlinear PDEs and DDEs; Dynamical Systems; Mathematical Biology

Panos Kevrekidis.


A headshot of Daeyoung Kim.

Research Interests: Statistics; Asymmetric Dependence/Association; Categorical Data Modelling; Mixture Modeling; Likelihood Inference; Interdisciplinary research on food science

A headshot of Daeyoung Kim.


A headshot of Rob Kusner.

Research Interests: Geometric analysis and variational problems, low dimensional geometry & topology, mathematical visualization

A headshot of Rob Kusner.

Marshall H. Stone Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Visiting Assistant Professor

A headshot of Jonathan Larson.

Research Interests: Probability, stochastic processes

A headshot of Jonathan Larson.

Senior Lecturer II

Hyunsun Lee.

Research Interests: Statistical data analysis; Stochastic branching process in wireless ad-hoc network; Sound generation mechanism for aircraft engine nozzle; Homogenization for heterogeneous composites; Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities

Hyunsun Lee.

Associate Professor

Yao Li.

Research Interests: Applied Probability , Applied Dynamical Systems, Numerical Analysis

Yao Li.

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research interests: Uncertainty quantification, stochastic optimization, statistical learning, applications with the theme of social good

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Lecturer II

A headshot of Jinguo Lian.

Research Interests: Financial Mathematics, Mathematical Biology

A headshot of Jinguo Lian.

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Professor; Associate Department Head

Anna Liu.

Research Interests: Non-parametric statistics, mixed models, active learning, optimization, anomaly detection, single cell RNA analysis

Anna Liu.

Assistant Professor

Yulong Lu.

Research Interests: Applied Probability, Statistics, Applied Analysis, PDEs, Mathematics of Machine Learning and Data Sciences

Yulong Lu.

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray


Eyal Markman.

Research Interests: Algebraic geometry

Eyal Markman.

Adjunct Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Assistant Professor; Director, Stat MS & PhD Graduate Admissions (Amherst Campus)

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Education: PhD Statistics, Stanford University

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Symplectic geometry

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Lecturer, CICS

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Associate Professor

Alejandro Morales.

Research Interests: Enumerative and Algebraic Combinatorics

Alejandro Morales.

Visiting Assistant Professor

A headshot of Sepideh Mosaferi.

Research Interests: Nonparametric Statistics, Bayesian Inference and Modeling, Computational Statistics

A headshot of Sepideh Mosaferi.


Andrea Nahmod.

Research Interests: Harmonic and nonlinear Fourier Analysis; Partial Differential Equations.

Andrea Nahmod.


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Dynamical systems, geometry

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Lecturer

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray


A headshot of Alexei Oblomkov.

Research Interests: Representation Theory, Algebraic Geometry and Mathematical Physics

A headshot of Alexei Oblomkov.


Franz Pedit

Research Interests: Differential geometry

Franz Pedit

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Marshall H. Stone Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Associate Professor

Annie Raymond.

Research Interests: Combinatorial optimization

Annie Raymond.

Professor; Honors Coordinator

Luc Rey-Bellet, by the docks.

Research Interests: Probability and mathematical physics

Luc Rey-Bellet, by the docks.

Assistant Professor

Martina Rovelli.

Research Interests: Higher category theory, homotopy theory, algebraic topology

Martina Rovelli.

Visiting Assistant Professor

Kevin Sackel standing on a rooftop overlooking a cityscape.

Research Interests: Symplectic geometry, contact geometry

Kevin Sackel standing on a rooftop overlooking a cityscape.

Associate Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Computational and Mathematical Biology, Data Science, Bioinformatics

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Associate Professor; Chief Undergraduate Advisor

Sohrab Shahshahani.
Sohrab Shahshahani.

Adjunct Associate Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Jessica Sidman, Affiliated faculty from Amherst College

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Professor and Associate Department Head for Curriculum

Eric Sommers.

Research Interests: Representation Theory, Algebraic Combinatorics

Eric Sommers.

Assistant Professor

Carlos Soto.
Carlos Soto.


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Statistics, measurement error, smoothing, measurement of physical activity

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray


Mike Sullivan.

Research Interests: Symplectic Geometry & Topology

Mike Sullivan.


Jenia Tevelev.

Research Interests: Algebraic Geometry

Jenia Tevelev.

Assistant Professor

Brian Van Koten.

Research Interests: Applied Probability, Numerical Analysis

Brian Van Koten.

Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Nonparametric statistics, causal inference, shape-constrained inference, survival analysis.

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Professor and Department Head

Tom Weston.

Research Interests: Number Theory

Tom Weston.


Nathaniel Whitaker.

Research Interests: Fluid Mechanics, Math Biology, Numerical Analysis

Nathaniel Whitaker.


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Number Theory

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Lecturer II

Picture of Caitlin Worth


Picture of Caitlin Worth

Marshall H. Stone Visiting Assistant Professor

Wuzhe Xu.
Wuzhe Xu.


Robin Young.

Research Interests: Nonlinear PDE, Classical Mechanics

Robin Young.

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Benjamin Zhang.

Research Interests: Mathematics of data science, Generative Modeling, Bayesian computation, Rare event simulation

Benjamin Zhang.


HongKun Zhang.

Research Interests: Machine Learning of Dynamical systems, Chaotic Billiards and ergodic theory; Deep learning using Graph Neural Network; Financial Mathematics

HongKun Zhang.


Zijing Zhang.
Zijing Zhang.

Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Assistant Professor

Wei Zhu.

Research Interests: Mathematical theory of data science and machine learning; statistical learning theory; optimization; applied harmonic analysis; applied probability; scientific computing; PDE and dynamical systems; computer vision and image processing

Wei Zhu.