Professor Emeritus

photo of George Avrunin

Research Interests: Modeling and analysis of distributed and concurrent systems, including those with human participants

photo of George Avrunin

Lecturer, Graduate Student

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Stochastic PDE

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Adjunct Professor

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Affiliated faculty in CICS

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray


A headshot of R. Inanc Baykur.

Research Interests: Geometry and Topology

A headshot of R. Inanc Baykur.

Senior Lecturer II

Jeff Beaulieu.

This page communicates my availability and professional activity.

Jeff Beaulieu.

Senior Lecturer II

Cat Benincasa headshot

Catherine Benincasa

Cat Benincasa headshot

Visiting Assistant Professor

A headshot of Manas Bhatnagar.
A headshot of Manas Bhatnagar.

Professor; Director, Graduate Program

Tom Braden

Research Interests: Topology of algebraic varieties; Representation Theory; Combinatorics

Tom Braden

Assistant Professor

A headshot of Andreas Buttenschoen.

Research Interests: Mathematical Biology; Non-local PDEs; Numerical and analytical bifurcation theory; Reaction diffusion equations; Computational Biology

A headshot of Andreas Buttenschoen.


Photo of Garret

Office Hour and contact information about me.

Photo of Garret

Senior Lecturer II


Research Interests: Mathematical Education, Mathematical Self-Efficacy, Barriers to STEM completion, Impacts of Gender and Race in Mathematical Experiences and Persistence, Group Work Structures and Dynamics


Visiting Assistant Professor

Fei Cao standing on top a mountain.

Research Interests: Interacting particle system, Partial differential equations, Theoretical computer science

Fei Cao standing on top a mountain.

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Associate Professor

A headshot of Qian-Yong Chen.

Research Interests: Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

A headshot of Qian-Yong Chen.


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Differential Geometry and Topology

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Marshall H. Stone Visiting Assistant Professor

Ziyu Chen.
Ziyu Chen.

Assistant Professor

A headshot of Weiqi Chu.

Research Interests: Network science; Data-driven modeling and inference; Model reduction and scientific computing.

A headshot of Weiqi Chu.

Professor; Director, Stat MS Graduate Admissions (Mount Ida Campus)

A headshot of Erin Conlon.

Research Interests: Statistics; Bayesian methods for data science, big data and analytics; bioinformatics; biostatistics.

A headshot of Erin Conlon.

Senior Lecturer

Maria Correia.

Research Interests: Dynamical systems, billiard systems, ergodic theory

Maria Correia.

Senior Lecturer

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Lecturer

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Associate Professor

A headshot of Matthew Dobson.

Research Interests: Multiscale modeling, numerical analysis

A headshot of Matthew Dobson.

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Simons Postdoctoral Research Associate

A headshot of Daniel Eceizabarrena.

Research Interests: Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Dispersive PDEs

A headshot of Daniel Eceizabarrena.

Associate Professor

Patrick Flaherty.

Research Interests: large-scale genomic data, hierarchical Bayesian models, variational inference, robust experiment design

Patrick Flaherty.

Marshall Stone Visiting Assistant Professor

Thejani Gamage

Visiting Assistant Professor

Thejani Gamage

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Professor; Coordinator, Statistics Program

A headshot of Krista Gile.

Research Interests: social science statistics, social networks, sampling, network sampling, link-tracing sampling, respondent-driven sampling

A headshot of Krista Gile.

Senior Lecturer

Shai Gorsky, speaking.

Research Interests: Bayesian Nonparametrics, Multi-Scale Modeling, Social Science

Shai Gorsky, speaking.

Assistant Professor

A headshot of Maryclare Griffin.

Research Interests: Statistics

A headshot of Maryclare Griffin.

Professor; Director, Math PhD Graduate Admissions

Paul Gunnells writing on a chalkboard.

Research Interests: Number theory

Paul Gunnells writing on a chalkboard.

Associate Professor

A headshot of Owen Gwilliam.

Research Interests: quantum field theory, derived geometry, higher categories

A headshot of Owen Gwilliam.


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Algebraic geometry

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education and Professor

Farshid Hajir.

Research Interests: Algebraic number theory

Farshid Hajir.


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

A Havens is a lecturer interested in geometric topology and the history of mathematics.

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Lecturer

A headshot of Eric Heinzman.
A headshot of Eric Heinzman.

Adjunct Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Lecturer II

A headshot of Joanna Jeneralczuk.
A headshot of Joanna Jeneralczuk.

Senior Lecturer

A headshot of Hans Johnston.

Research Interests: Scientific Computing and Fluid Dynamics

A headshot of Hans Johnston.

Associate Professor

Lulu Kang.

Research Interests: Statistical Design of Experiments, Statistical Learning, Uncertainty Quantification, Bayesian Statistics and Approximate Inference, Optimization, Application of Data Science

Lulu Kang.

Professor; Director, Applied Mathematics & Computation; Director, Applied Math MS Graduate Admissions

Markos Katsoulakis

Research Interests: Generative Modeling, Scientific Machine Learning, Information Theory, Uncertainty Quantification, Multi-scale Methods

Markos Katsoulakis

Distinguished Professor

Panos Kevrekidis.

Research Interests: Mathematical Physics; Nonlinear PDEs and DDEs; Dynamical Systems; Mathematical Biology

Panos Kevrekidis.


A headshot of Daeyoung Kim.

Research Interests: Statistics; Asymmetric Dependence/Association; Categorical Data Modelling; Mixture Modeling; Likelihood Inference; Interdisciplinary research on food science

A headshot of Daeyoung Kim.


A headshot of Rob Kusner.

Research Interests: Geometric analysis and variational problems, low dimensional geometry & topology, mathematical visualization

A headshot of Rob Kusner.

Marshall H. Stone Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research interests: mathematical physics and partial differential equations

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Visiting Assistant Professor

A headshot of Jonathan Larson.

Research Interests: Probability, stochastic processes

A headshot of Jonathan Larson.

Senior Lecturer II

Hyunsun Lee.

Research Interests: Statistical data analysis; Stochastic branching process in wireless ad-hoc network; Sound generation mechanism for aircraft engine nozzle; Homogenization for heterogeneous composites; Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities

Hyunsun Lee.

Associate Professor

Yao Li.

Research Interests: Applied Probability , Applied Dynamical Systems, Numerical Analysis

Yao Li.

Visiting Assistant Professor

Jialin Li

Research interests: Uncertainty quantification, stochastic optimization, statistical learning, applications with the theme of social good

Jialin Li

Senior Lecturer II

A headshot of Jinguo Lian.

Research Interests: Financial Mathematics, Mathematical Biology

A headshot of Jinguo Lian.

Visiting Assistant Professor

Rui Liang

Visiting Assistant Professor

Rui Liang

Professor; Associate Department Head

Anna Liu.

Research Interests: Non-parametric statistics, mixed models, active learning, optimization, anomaly detection, single cell RNA analysis

Anna Liu.

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray


Eyal Markman.

Research Interests: Algebraic geometry

Eyal Markman.

Adjunct Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Assistant Professor; Director, Stat MS & PhD Graduate Admissions (Amherst Campus)

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Education: PhD Statistics, Stanford University

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Symplectic geometry

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Lecturer, CICS

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Visiting Assistant Professor

A headshot of Sepideh Mosaferi.

Research Interests: Nonparametric Statistics, Bayesian Inference and Modeling, Computational Statistics

A headshot of Sepideh Mosaferi.


Andrea Nahmod.

Research Interests: Harmonic and nonlinear Fourier Analysis; Partial Differential Equations.

Andrea Nahmod.


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Dynamical systems, geometry

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Lecturer

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray


A headshot of Alexei Oblomkov.

Research Interests: Representation Theory, Algebraic Geometry and Mathematical Physics

A headshot of Alexei Oblomkov.


Franz Pedit

Research Interests: Differential geometry

Franz Pedit

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Marshall H. Stone Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Associate Professor

Annie Raymond.

Research Interests: Combinatorial optimization

Annie Raymond.

Professor; Honors Coordinator

Luc Rey-Bellet, by the docks.

Research Interests: Probability and mathematical physics

Luc Rey-Bellet, by the docks.

Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Higher category theory, homotopy theory, algebraic topology


Associate Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Computational and Mathematical Biology, Data Science, Bioinformatics

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Associate Professor; Chief Undergraduate Advisor

Sohrab Shahshahani.
Sohrab Shahshahani.

Adjunct Associate Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Jessica Sidman, Affiliated faculty from Amherst College

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Professor and Associate Department Head for Curriculum

Eric Sommers.

Research Interests: Representation Theory, Algebraic Combinatorics

Eric Sommers.

Assistant Professor

Carlos Soto.
Carlos Soto.


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Statistics, measurement error, smoothing, measurement of physical activity

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray


Mike Sullivan.

Research Interests: Symplectic Geometry & Topology

Mike Sullivan.


Jenia Tevelev.

Research Interests: Algebraic Geometry

Jenia Tevelev.

Assistant Professor

Brian Van Koten.

Research Interests: Applied Probability, Numerical Analysis

Brian Van Koten.

Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Nonparametric statistics, causal inference, shape-constrained inference, survival analysis.

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Professor and Department Head

Tom Weston

Research Interests: Number Theory

Tom Weston


Nathaniel Whitaker.

Research Interests: Fluid Mechanics, Math Biology, Numerical Analysis

Nathaniel Whitaker.


UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Research Interests: Number Theory

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Senior Lecturer II

Picture of Caitlin Worth


Picture of Caitlin Worth

Marshall H. Stone Visiting Assistant Professor

Wuzhe Xu.
Wuzhe Xu.


Robin Young.

Research Interests: Nonlinear PDE, Classical Mechanics

Robin Young.


HongKun Zhang.

Research Interests: Machine Learning of Dynamical systems, Chaotic Billiards and ergodic theory; Deep learning using Graph Neural Network; Financial Mathematics

HongKun Zhang.


Zijing Zhang.
Zijing Zhang.

Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray