The Center for Applied Mathematics and Computation involves faculty members and graduate students in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Massachusetts who are interested in research and instruction in applied mathematics and scientific computation. The Center supports several  research seminar series. The M.S. Program in Applied Mathematics, a two-year professional degree program for students who seek industrial employment, is also coordinated by the Center.

The research interests of the Applied Mathematics faculty span diverse fields of modern applied mathematics and  scientific computing: predictive modeling, data science  and machine learning,  numerical analysis and scientific computing, including methods for deterministic and stochastic PDE, molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods; stochastic modelling, probability theory, stochastic processes and equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics; nonlinear PDE, harmonic analysis, dynamical systems, and mathematical physics and mathematical & computational biology. Members of the faculty are also directly involved in applications, among others in medicine, biology, epidemiology, imaging, opinion dynamics and networks, fluid dynamics, geosciences, materials science, optics and soft-condensed matter physics.

The most significant development  in the last few years in the field of Applied Mathematics is the emergent synergy between Applied & Computational Mathematics with  Data Science, Machine Learning  and Artificial Intelligence. Our faculty members participate as principal investigators and senior personnel in  the NSF-funded UMASS TRIPODS Institute on Theoretical Foundations of Data Science. The Institute brings together  faculty from  Computer Science, Mathematics & Statistics and Electrical Engineering.


Assistant Professor

A headshot of Andreas Buttenschoen.
Research Interests: Mathematical Biology; Non-local PDEs; Numerical and analytical bifurcation theory; Reaction diffusion equations; Computational Biology
A headshot of Andreas Buttenschoen.

Associate Professor

A headshot of Qian-Yong Chen.
Research Interests: Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
A headshot of Qian-Yong Chen.

Assistant Professor

A headshot of Weiqi Chu.
Research Interests: Network science; Data-driven modeling and inference; Model reduction and scientific computing.
A headshot of Weiqi Chu.

Associate Professor

A headshot of Matthew Dobson.
Research Interests: Multiscale modeling, numerical analysis
A headshot of Matthew Dobson.

Associate Professor

Patrick Flaherty.
Research Interests: large-scale genomic data, hierarchical Bayesian models, variational inference, robust experiment design
Patrick Flaherty.

Professor; Director, Applied Mathematics & Computation; Director, Applied Math MS Graduate Admissions

Markos Katsoulakis.
Research Interests: Generative Modeling, Scientific Machine Learning, Information Theory, Uncertainty Quantification, Multi-scale Methods
Markos Katsoulakis.

Distinguished Professor

Panos Kevrekidis.
Research Interests: Mathematical Physics; Nonlinear PDEs and DDEs; Dynamical Systems; Mathematical Biology
Panos Kevrekidis.

Associate Professor

Yao Li.
Research Interests: Applied Probability , Applied Dynamical Systems, Numerical Analysis
Yao Li.

Assistant Professor

Yulong Lu.
Research Interests: Applied Probability, Statistics, Applied Analysis, PDEs, Mathematics of Machine Learning and Data Sciences
Yulong Lu.


Andrea Nahmod.
Research Interests: Harmonic and nonlinear Fourier Analysis; Partial Differential Equations.
Andrea Nahmod.

Professor; Honors Coordinator

Luc Rey-Bellet, by the docks.
Research Interests: Probability and mathematical physics
Luc Rey-Bellet, by the docks.

Associate Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
Research Interests: Computational and Mathematical Biology, Data Science, Bioinformatics
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Assistant Professor

Brian Van Koten.
Research Interests: Applied Probability, Numerical Analysis
Brian Van Koten.


Nathaniel Whitaker.
Research Interests: Fluid Mechanics, Math Biology, Numerical Analysis
Nathaniel Whitaker.


Robin Young.
Research Interests: Nonlinear PDE, Classical Mechanics
Robin Young.


HongKun Zhang.
Research Interests: Machine Learning of Dynamical systems, Chaotic Billiards and ergodic theory; Deep learning using Graph Neural Network; Financial Mathematics
HongKun Zhang.

Assistant Professor

Wei Zhu.
Research Interests: Mathematical theory of data science and machine learning; statistical learning theory; optimization; applied harmonic analysis; applied probability; scientific computing; PDE and dynamical systems; computer vision and image processing
Wei Zhu.

Postdocs and Visiting Assistant Professors

Visiting Assistant Professor

A headshot of Manas Bhatnagar.
A headshot of Manas Bhatnagar.

Visiting Assistant Professor

Fei Cao standing on top a mountain.
Research Interests: Interacting particle system, Partial differential equations, Theoretical computer science
Fei Cao standing on top a mountain.

Marshall H. Stone Visiting Assistant Professor

Ziyu Chen.
Ziyu Chen.

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Benjamin Zhang.
Research Interests: Mathematics of data science, Generative Modeling, Bayesian computation, Rare event simulation
Benjamin Zhang.

Visiting Assistant Professor

UMass collegiate M maroon on gray
UMass collegiate M maroon on gray

Simons Postdoctoral Research Associate

A headshot of Daniel Eceizabarrena.
Research Interests: Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Dispersive PDEs
A headshot of Daniel Eceizabarrena.
Lia Katsimiga
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portrait placeholder
Navid Mohammad Mirzaei
Navid Mohammad Mirzaei
Navid Mohammad Mirzaei

Marshall H. Stone Visiting Assistant Professor

Wuzhe Xu.
Wuzhe Xu.

Research Areas

Alumni of the Center

list under (constant) construction