The Center for Applied Mathematics and Computation involves faculty members and graduate students in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Massachusetts who are interested in research and instruction in applied mathematics and scientific computation. The Center supports several research seminar series. The M.S. Program in Applied Mathematics, a two-year professional degree program for students who seek industrial employment, is also coordinated by the Center.
The research interests of the Applied Mathematics faculty span diverse fields of modern applied mathematics and scientific computing: predictive modeling, data science and machine learning, numerical analysis and scientific computing, including methods for deterministic and stochastic PDE, molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods; stochastic modelling, probability theory, stochastic processes and equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics; nonlinear PDE, harmonic analysis, dynamical systems, and mathematical physics and mathematical & computational biology. Members of the faculty are also directly involved in applications, among others in medicine, biology, epidemiology, imaging, opinion dynamics and networks, fluid dynamics, geosciences, materials science, optics and soft-condensed matter physics.
The most significant development in the last few years in the field of Applied Mathematics is the emergent synergy between Applied & Computational Mathematics with Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Our faculty members participate as principal investigators and senior personnel in the NSF-funded UMASS TRIPODS Institute on Theoretical Foundations of Data Science. The Institute brings together faculty from Computer Science, Mathematics & Statistics and Electrical Engineering.
Director of CAM
Director of M.S. program in Applied Mathematics
Postdocs and Visiting Assistant Professors
Research Areas
Alumni of the Center
list under (constant) construction