Maria Correia
Senior Lecturer

LGRT 1635B
Office Hours:
TuThu 4:00-5:00 PM, Thu 1:00 - 2:00 PM in LGRT 1635B, or by appointment. CTC hour Tues 1:00-2:00 PM in LGRT 140
Alternate Email:
Office Hours:
TuThu 4:00-5:00 PM, Thu 1:00 - 2:00 PM in LGRT 1635B, or by appointment. CTC hour Tues 1:00-2:00 PM in LGRT 140
Alternate Email:
Ph. D. in Mathematics, University of Evora, 2012
Dynamical systems, billiard systems, ergodic theory
Selected Publications
- M. F. Correia, C. Cox and H. K. Zhang, Ergodicity in umbrella billiards, New Horizons in Mathematical Physics 1, 2, 56-67 (2017).
- M. F. Correia and H. K. Zhang, Stability and ergodicity of moon billiards, Chaos 25, 083110 (2015).
- M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, Nonlinearly perturbed heat equation: a symbolic approach, Int. J. of Pure and Applied Math. 92, 2, 279-296 (2014).
- M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, Invariants for the topological characterization of the iteration of differentiable functions – the bimodal case, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, Springer, Berlin/ Heidelberg 222, 2, 285-301 (2013).
- M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, Evolution and distribution of the periodic critical values of iterated differentiable functions, Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications} 75, 6343-6359 (2012).
- M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, Iteration of differentiable functions under m-modal maps with aperiodic kneading sequences, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2012, 1-17 (2012).
- M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, Substitution systems associated with the dynamical system, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics: proceedings 36, 159-169 (2012).
- M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, Iteration of differentiable functions under m-modal maps, Int. J. of Pure and Applied Math. 70, 2, 151-166 (2011).
- M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, On the iteration of smooth maps, Discrete Dynamics and Difference Equations- Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, World Scientific Publishing, 223-230 (2010).
- M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, Symbolic dynamics for iterated smooth functions, Grazer Math. Berichte 354, 26-36 (2009).