LGRT 1635B

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TuThu 4:00-5:00 PM, Thu 1:00 - 2:00 PM in LGRT 1635B, or by appointment. CTC hour Tues 1:00-2:00 PM in LGRT 140

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Ph. D. in Mathematics, University of Evora, 2012


Dynamical systems, billiard systems, ergodic theory

Selected Publications

  1. M. F. Correia, C. Cox and H. K. Zhang, Ergodicity in umbrella billiards, New Horizons in Mathematical Physics 1, 2, 56-67 (2017).
  2. M. F. Correia and H. K. Zhang, Stability and ergodicity of moon billiards, Chaos 25, 083110 (2015).
  3. M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, Nonlinearly perturbed heat equation: a symbolic approach, Int. J. of Pure and Applied Math. 92, 2, 279-296 (2014).
  4. M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, Invariants for the topological characterization of the iteration of differentiable functions – the bimodal case, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, Springer, Berlin/ Heidelberg 222, 2, 285-301 (2013).
  5. M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, Evolution and distribution of the periodic critical values of iterated differentiable functions, Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications} 75, 6343-6359 (2012).
  6. M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, Iteration of differentiable functions under m-modal maps with aperiodic kneading sequences, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2012, 1-17 (2012).
  7. M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, Substitution systems associated with the dynamical system, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics: proceedings 36, 159-169 (2012).
  8. M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, Iteration of differentiable functions under m-modal maps, Int. J. of Pure and Applied Math. 70, 2, 151-166 (2011).
  9. M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, On the iteration of smooth maps, Discrete Dynamics and Difference Equations- Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, World Scientific Publishing, 223-230 (2010).
  10. M. F. Correia, C. C. Ramos and S. Vinagre, Symbolic dynamics for iterated smooth functions, Grazer Math. Berichte 354, 26-36 (2009).