Degree Resources
The New Student Guide provides you with all the information and resources you need as a brand-new student.
The Student Handbook provides in-depth information about the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, including philosophy, requirements, curriculum, policies and more.
The Degree Planning Handbook walks you through the process of creating your degree plan and building your area of concentration.
This handbook provides you with the information you need to write your prior learning portfolio. To access, log into OneDrive with your UMass email and password.
Use this form to authorize University+ Registration to include all non-degree University of Massachusetts Amherst courses taken prior to matriculation into your cumulative credit total.
Use this form if you are a student who wishes to have a transfer course evaluation “re-evaluated” for transfer credit to UMass Amherst for the purpose of fulfilling degree or general education requirements.
Here you'll find the login to the degree plan form and detailed instructions on how to complete the degree plan form.
Use this form if you are a UWW Interdisciplinary Studies student who would like to request an evaluation of trainings/certifications directly related to your area of concentration (AOC).
Use the Prior Learning Transcript Statement (PLTS) form if you are a UWW Interdisciplinary Studies student seeking prior learning portfolio credits.
Submit this form before attempting a stage 2 prior learning portfolio.
Use this form if you are a current online student seeking prior approval to take class(es) at another institution and transfer those class credit(s) taken at another institution to UMass Amherst to meet degree requirements.
Use this form if you are a UWW Interdisciplinary Studies student who wants to enroll in practicums, internships, or independent study.
For campus students enrolling in an independent study or practicum in Summer or Winter OR online students enrolling in an independent study or practicum in any term.
Form for campus-based university undergraduates dropping a University+ class in Fall or Spring, non-credit students, and students who do not have access to drop their class in SPIRE.
Form used by former online student to either return to their original undergraduate degree program or to enroll in a different online undergraduate degree program.
UWW Interdisciplinary Studies students who are employees of Boston Children's Hospital or Mass General Brigham are eligible for our extended payment plan option, which allows students to pay their bills up to 45 days after grades are posted.
Use this form to to waive your second experiential reflections course.
Use this form to petition to select pass/fail grading for one required departmental course.
Here you'll find the login to the degree plan form and detailed instructions on how to complete the degree plan form.
Review this list of common areas of concentration (AOC) with their definitions, or work with your faculty advisor to craft your own AOC title and definition.
Explore this list of online courses offered by UMass Amherst in the past three years to help you with degree planning. Remember that courses come and go with new, exciting courses being put online each semester.
If you are a UWW Interdisciplinary Studies student seeking EEC credentialing or teacher licensure in the state of Massachusetts, this resource will help. Be in touch with your advisors to make sure you're taking the courses you need to fulfill state requirements.
Visit General Education at UMass to understand and get the information you need to fulfill the UMass Amherst General Education (Gen Ed) requirements.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams test college-level learning in a variety of subject areas, offering an option for a less expensive and faster way to meet general education requirements, demonstrate independent learning, and earn credit. You can even fulfill your R1 and CW requirements this way!
Here is a list of CLEP exams accepted by UMass Amherst. Before signing up for a CLEP exam, you should check with your advisor to be sure it is accepted for transfer. You will need to complete and submit the Prior Approval for Transfer Coursework form prior to registering for CLEP general exams. All CLEP exams are administered by the College Board and are included on transcripts as transfer credit.
If you attended UMass Amherst before becoming a UWW Interdisciplinary Studies student, you may need 4 credits to fulfill a general education requirement, but some CLEP exams are only 3 credits. Make sure to consult with your academic advisor to confirm that a CLEP exam can satisfy a general education requirement if you previously attended UMass Amherst.
Some CLEP prep classes are offered online for free through Modern States. Courses consist of four to six hours of lectures, as well as access to free textbook readings and supplementary videos. The CLEP preparation page also has study guides that can help.
One of the University’s general education requirements for graduation is the R1 (Basic Math Skills) requirement. If you are unsure whether or not you have met the R1 requirement, check your SPIRE Academic Requirements Report or contact your advisor.
There are three ways to meet this requirement:
1. Take a course through UMass Amherst or elsewhere
Many courses within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics that meet the R2 (Analytic Reasoning) requirement for graduation also meet the R1 requirement. In addition, there are courses that only meet the R1 requirement. You can search for courses that meet the R1 or R2 requirement on SPIRE. To find out if a course that meets the R2 requirement also meets the R1 requirement, read the course description. If you elect to take a course elsewhere and transfer it in, it must at least be at the college algebra or intermediate algebra level; statistics courses may also meet the requirement. Consult with your advisor before registering for courses at another college.
2. Take the R1 Exemption Exam
The free R1 Exemption Exam is administered online by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and offered twice every semester.
3. Take a CLEP exam
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams in College Algebra, College Algebra/Trigonometry, and Precalculus meet the R1 requirement. Always speak with your advisor before signing up.
Another of the University’s general education requirements is the College Writing (CW) requirement. If you are unsure whether or not you need the CW, check your SPIRE Academic Advisement Report or contact your advisor.
Three ways to meet the CW requirement
- Take a College Level Examination Program Test (CLEP): The CLEP test College Composition meets the CW requirement. Always speak with your advisor before signing up.
- Take a course at a college other than UMass Amherst: Always speak with your advisor before registering for courses at another college.
- Fulfill the requirement at UMass Amherst: If you choose to fulfill the CW requirement through UMass Amherst, the first thing you’ll need to do is take the College Writing (CW) Placement Questionnaire. This free questionnaire can be completed online anytime. Be sure to visit the Writing Program website for further instructions.
Three possible paths after the questionnaire
- Some students will be encouraged to take ENGLWRIT 112 at UMass Amherst or the equivalent at another school to fulfill the CW general education requirement. ENGLWRIT 112 is offered online at UMass Amherst during the summer.
- Some students will be encouraged to take ENGLWRIT 112 at UMass Amherst or the equivalent at another school to fulfill the CW general education requirement, but also to seek additional writing support before or while taking the course.
- Regardless of questionnaire results, some students may wish to complete the waiver process to fulfill the CW general education requirement, which involves writing an essay comparable to the final assignment in ENGLWRIT 112. If you wish to complete the waiver process, email @email after completing the College Writing Placement Questionnaire.
This is your one-stop-shop for information about course registration, with videos, written instructions, term-specific information, and FAQ.
Video Instructions
Written Instructions
Schedule Builder supports registration for on-campus and online students. Because of this, it contains some options that may not apply to you.
- Log in to SPIRE.
- Check to make sure your enrollment appointment has started in Manage Classes > Enrollment Appointments.
- Next, click Add, Drop & Edit Classes > Schedule Builder.
- Choose the correct term and click "Save and Continue."
- Select "University+" as the session and click "Save and continue." Do not select "University" or "University Online." To see courses with non-standard dates, select "University+ Non-Standard Dates."
- Click "Add Course."
- You can choose between several methods to add courses, but the default "By Subject" is usually easiest. To register for a UWW Department of Interdisciplinary Studies course, choose “University Without Walls” as the subject, select a course from the dropdown menu, and then click "Add Course."
- Once you have added all the courses you would like to register for, click "Go Back to Generate Schedules."
- There will be a list of courses with checkboxes beside them. Click on "Sections" next to one of the courses.
- This will take you to a checklist screen in which all available sections of the course will be checked by default. Uncheck the boxes until only the section you wish to take is checked, then click "Save & Close."
Note: If you are taking courses at specific times, you can check more than one section per course to compare different scheduling options, but this is not useful to the majority of UWW Interdisciplinary Studies students who take all courses fully asynchronously. - Repeat this process for the other courses on your list.
- When you have finished selecting your preferred sections, click "Generate Schedules."
- Click "View" next to your schedule. If it looks good, click "Send to Shopping Cart."
- After sending classes to the shopping cart, you may have the option of changing the grading basis for some classes. Always consult your academic advisor if you wish to change this from the default option. If there is more than one class, click "Next" through each course and then click "Finish."
- Click on "Register" to enroll. You also have the option to delete classes or change the grading basis by clicking on "Edit Cart."
- Click on "Continue" on the "Please Confirm" page to complete your enrollment. You should then see a confirmation screen.
- You can confirm your enrollment by visiting your schedule, which is located in Manage Classes > Class & Finals Schedule > View My Classes.
For assistance with course registration issues, email our office or call us at 413-545-1378. We’re here to help.
When you register for UWW 370, be sure to register for UWW 296Y with the same instructor. Here's a step-by-step walkthrough:
Dates to Know
- Winter registration begins: October 9, 2024
- Winter classes: December 20, 2024 through January 29, 2025 (about six weeks)
- Add/drop ends: December 26, 2024
- Withdrawal period ends: January 14, 2025
- Confirm you have an active enrollment appointment for winter in SPIRE. Your enrollment appointment date and time will be located in Manage Classes > Enrollment Appointments. If you don't have an enrollment appointment, you can request one.
- Register for a class. Our department is offering winter courses, or you can register for a winter course offered through another department. Talk to your academic advisor if you have questions about course selection.
- If you have demonstrated need and took fewer than 12 credits in the fall, you may be eligible for federal financial aid. To inquire about getting federal aid for winter, please contact Financial Aid. You can also consider applying for a University+ scholarship by December 6.
UWW Department of Interdisciplinary Studies Winter Courses
- UWW 360 Experiential Reflections of Learning and Education (fulfills IE general education requirement)
- UWW 377 Child Abuse & Neglect: Multidisciplinary Approaches
Registration for spring courses begins Tuesday, November 12. However, that may not be when you can start registering for classes. You can start to register on the date and time of your enrollment appointment. To find out when your enrollment appointment starts, log in to your SPIRE account. Your enrollment appointment date and time will be located in Manage Classes > Enrollment Appointments. Enrollment appointments will be assigned approximately one week before the start of registration (or within one day of matriculation if you sent your Intent to Enroll on or after this date). If you do not receive an appointment within this timeframe, contact University+ Session Registration.
When it's time to register, first make sure there are no holds on your account. In SPIRE, select Tasks & Help. If you have a hold, click on it for more information about which office placed the hold and whether or not it prevents you from enrolling in courses. You can contact the indicated office for information on what you’ll need to do to have the hold removed.
What to Register For
If you’re a new student, please visit the Spring New Student Guide for specific information on what classes you will need to register for. If you are a returning student, refer to your degree plan or contact your advising team for assistance.
UWW Department of Interdisciplinary Studies Spring Courses
- UWW 222 Introduction to Body & Brain (fulfills BS general education requirement)
- UWW 301 Pro-Social Behavior Development in Children
- UWW 305 Concepts in Learning Integration (I requirement)
- UWW 310 Experiential Reflection of the Technological World (IE requirement)
- UWW 320 Experiential Reflection of Leadership (IE requirement)
- UWW 330 Experiential Reflection of Public Policy (IE requirement)
- UWW 340 Experiential Reflection of Organizations (IE requirement)
- UWW 350 Experiential Reflections on Health (IE requirement)
- UWW 360 Experiential Reflections of Learning and Education (IE requirement)
- UWW 362 Contemporary Issues in Human Services
- UWW 363 Perspectives on Social Justice and Advocacy (SB and DU requirements)
- UWW 370 Writing About Experience (JW requirement)
- UWW 375 Sexual Violence: Multidisciplinary & Anti-Oppression Approaches (SB and DU requirements)
- UWW 296Y Assessment of Learning (This is the prior learning portfolio placeholder course, not a “real” course. Register for this in addition to UWW 370 if you intend to submit a portfolio.)
Where do I find my enrollment appointment time in SPIRE?
To find your enrollment appointment (the day and time you can begin registering for classes), log-in to SPIRE using your Net ID and password. Click on the Manage Classes tile > Enrollment Appointments > Enrollment Appointments. You will see the date and time of your enrollment appointment under "Appointment Begins."
Enrollment appointments are assigned by the Registrar’s office based on the student’s number of earned credits and remain open until the end of the add/drop period.
How do I find online courses?
There are two online sessions at UMass Amherst: University+ and University Online. Most UWW Interdisciplinary Studies students should only enroll in courses in the University+ session to avoid incurring any additional costs. When in Schedule Builder, select "University+" for the session.
Can I register for an on-campus University-session course?
Yes, UWW Interdisciplinary Studies students can enroll in on-campus University session courses. However, you will be charged an additional fee per credit. The total cost, including the fee, is currently $701 per credit.
How do I make changes to my schedule after I’ve registered?
Students can make changes to their schedule on their own any time before the add/drop deadline. You can choose to drop, add, or swap classes in SPIRE.
- To drop a class: SPIRE > Manage Classes > Add, Drop & Edit Classes > Drop Classes. Select the class you want to drop. Hit the "Next" button in the top-right corner. Select "Drop Classes."
- To swap a class: SPIRE > Manage Classes > Add, Drop, & Edit Classes > Swap Classes. Select the course you want to drop in the "Swap this Class" drop-down. You can choose to search for classes, select from shopping cart, or enter the class number (5-digit code) to add the new class.
What should I do if I want to add or drop a course after the deadline?
Any student who wants to make changes to their schedule after the add/drop deadline should consult first with their academic advisor. If it is determined that the student has a case to petition for a late add or drop, they will request approval from the Chief Undergraduate Advisor.
Why does the Academic Calendar show two deadlines to drop a course with a 100% refund?
Undergraduate students and graduate students have different add/drop deadlines. As a UWW Interdisciplinary Studies student, your add/drop deadline is the undergraduate student deadline listed in the Academic Calendar.
I just registered for my courses, but why can’t I access them in Canvas?
After you have registered in SPIRE, it can take 24-48 hours for a course to appear in Canvas. If it’s after the start of Preview Week and you can’t see your classes, your registration probably isn’t loaded into the system yet. New course registrations are uploaded once a day.
Sometimes life happens and you need to take a break from school. We understand. Here’s how to do it right.
- Contact your advisor and let them know you need to take time off.
- Make arrangements to take care of any outstanding bills.
- Review information and recommendations from IT.
- When you’re ready to start classes again, submit the Undergraduate Reactivation Form.
- Once you're reactivated, your access to SPIRE and your email will be restored if you lost it, and your academic advisor will be in touch.