
Before deciding to take any of the CLEP exams, please carefully read the following information.  Refer to the chart below for scores, credit, GENERAL EDUCA­TION and University course equivalent information.  For additional credit and require­ment details, contact Transfer Credit Services in the University Registrar's office at (413) 545 0555 or @email 

CLEP Score Reports

CLEP score reports should be forwarded to the Records Office, 213 Whitmore, University of Massa­chusetts Amherst (Code #3917).

Credit and Degree Requirement Guidelines

  1. If you have freshmen gen eds, please note that a 3 credit exam will not satisfy your 4 credit gen ed requirements. R1 and R2 can be satisfied with a 3 credit exam for all students.
  2. Students who have taken upper level courses in Science and/or Math may not earn credit by CLEP exams for lower level (pre-requisite) courses.
  3. No credit is awarded for CLEP exams when a comparable college course has been completed and passing grade earned; i.e., grades of 'D' or 'Pass' or other such designations.
  4. Credit awarded through CLEP and other non-University achievement or place­ment examina­tions is TRANSFER CREDIT, not 'residence' credit.
  5. No credit is awarded for:
  • Foreign language CLEP exam or professional subject matter areas
  • General Math CLEP exam


The University of Massachusetts administers its own Placement Tests for Foreign Language, and College Math, as well as its own Nursing Challenge Exam.

**IMPORTANT**  Seniors taking the CLEP exams must file a "Senior Prior Approv­al" form with the Undergraduate Records Office. ***

*English Literature award is for English Lit exams taken 2/1/2024 or later.  If the exam was taken prior to 2/1/2024, 3 credits and one AL gen ed will be awarded.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Tests (DANTES/DSST)

Score levels and credits awarded are based on College Board and/or University department recommendations.

General Exams Score Credit GenEd UMass Equivalent
College Composition 50 3+3 CW ENGLWRIT 112 (3 cr)
College Composition Modular -- No Credit -- --
Humanities (Fine Arts + Literature) 50 3 I No equivalent 
College Math -- No Credit -- --
Natural Science (Biology + Physical) 50 3+3 BS+PS No equivalent (non-lab)
Social Science (Soc/Behav + History) 50 3+3 SB+HS No equivalent


Subject Exams:

Subject Exams Score Credit GenEd UMass Equivalent
Algebra, College 50 3 R1 MATH 102
Algebra/Trigonometry, College 50 3 R1 MATH 102, MATH 103
American Government 50 3 SB POLISCI 101
American Literature 50 3 AL ENGLISH electives
Analyzing & Interpreting Literature 50 3 AL ENGLISH electives
Biology, General 50 3+3 BS, BS BIOLOGY electives
Business Law, Introductory 50 3 -- No equivalent
Calculus 50 4 R2 Math 127
Chemistry, General 50 3+3 PS, PS CHEM 101, CHEM 102
Educational Psychology, Introductory 50 3 -- PSYCH 305
*English Literature 50 6 AL, AL ENGLISH electives
Financial Accounting 50 3   No equivalent
French, College-Level 1 & 2 -- No Credit -- --
German, College-Level 1 & 2 -- No Credit -- --
History of the United States 1 50 3 HS HISTORY 150
History of the United States 2 50 3 HS HISTORY 151
Human Growth & Development 50 3 -- PSYCH 350
Info Systems & Computer Applications 50 3 -- No equivalent
Macroeconomics, Principles of 50 3 SB ECON 104
Microeconomics, Principles of 50 3 SB ECON 103
Management, Principles of 50 3 -- No equivalent
Marketing, Principles of 50 3 -- No equivalent
Precalculus 50 3 R1 MATH 104
Psychology, Introductory 50 3 SB PSYCH 100
Sociology, Introductory 50 3 SB SOCIOL elective
Spanish, College-Level 1 & 2 -- No Credit -- --
Trigonometry -- No Credit -- --
Western Civilization 1  50 3 HS HISTORY 100
Western Civilization 2 50 3 HS HISTORY 101