
Office of Faculty Development Announces Dialogue Series for Faculty of Color

The Office of Faculty Development (OFD) is pleased to announce “Other Knowledges Are Possible: FOC Dialogue on Engaged and Creative Research,” a dialogue series for faculty of color (FOC) about engaged and creative work.

The series will be facilitated by Laura A. Valdiviezo, OFD Chancellor’s Leadership Fellow and professor in the College of Education. The purpose of the dialogue is to learn new insights from invited faculty to expand definitions of excellent research in order to further institutional visibility and support for FOC invested in engaged and creative research.

“The title of this series is inspired by Boaventura de Sousa Santos' writings on decolonizing the university and the imperatives of cognitive justice,” says Valdiviezo. “As someone interested in epistemologies from the South and the validation of other ways of knowing and being in the world, I believe the series is just a small but important step towards expanding institutional understanding and recognition of what constitutes excellent research and its contribution to a better world.”

Registrants have the choice to participate in an in-person session on campus or a remote session via Zoom. Both sessions are hosted by the Office of Faculty Development in collaboration with UMass Faculty Diversity.

Dialogue 1: In person, on campus

Friday, Nov. 12, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.


Dialogue 2: Zoom meeting

Wednesday, Dec. 1, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.