Advanced spectroscopic analysis of versatile organic and inorganic samples

DXRxi Raman Imaging Microscope

(ThermoFisher Scientific)
- Fast Mapping
- Dual Wavelength Laser (780/633 nm)
- Automation
- Confocal
- 1 μm resolution

DXR Raman Microscope

(ThermoFisher Scientific)
- Dual Wavelength Laser (780/633 nm)
- Automation
- Confocal
- 1 μm resolution

EZ Portable Raman Spectrometer

(TSI Incorporated)
- High resolution
- Optical probe
- Solid-liquid samples
- 780 nm laser

Handheld Raman Spectrometer

(ThermoFisher Scientific)
- Handheld, point and shoot
- Battery operated
- 785 nm laser

FTIR Spectrometer

- Easy sample preparation

FTIR Microscope

- Imaging analysis
- Auto focus
- ATR objective

X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer Epsilon 4

(Malvern Panalytical)
- Inorganic analysis
- Portable, battery powered

X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer Epsilon 1

(Malvern Panalytical)
- Elemetal analysis: Na and above
- Helium-flushed
- Multi-sampler