Center for Bioactive Delivery

We study the changes of lipid profile in tissue (shown here is liver) as a indicator of how the body responds to the nanomaterial-based drug delivery vehicles. We develop mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) technique to measure spatial distribution of lipids to study of how body response to the nanomaterial during its excretion pathway. Jeerapat Doungchawee, Chemistry Department

The right drug to the right place Models for Optimized Drug delivery platforms

CBD creates new ways to deliver “The right drug to the right place: by creating novel delivery platforms for small and large molecules.”  Developing a wide range of delivery platforms matched to bioactive molecular delivery needs based on fundamental design principles, including nanoemulsions, nanoparticles, hybrid particles, bacteria, and hydrogels.

Bioactive delivery is a multi-dimensional challenge that remains a critical and often unsolved issue in product development. At the heart of CBD are organized multi-disciplinary teams focused on solutions to this complex landscape.

The long-term objective of the Center for Bioactive Delivery is to develop reliable, predictive models for optimized drug/carrier systems. This focus on synergies between the bioactive compound and its delivery for a suitable carrier solution creates a new paradigm for drug and nutrient delivery. 

The focus of our research falls into the following themes:
