UMass Amherst Core Facilities Voucher Program

UMass Core Facilities

The Massachusetts Innovation Voucher Program (MIVP) has not been funded for FY '25.

state voucher program funded by the Massachusetts legislature gives small and medium-sized businesses (<50 FTEs) access to the University’s leading-edge research facilities at reduced rates. Over thirty core facilities, from 3D printing to x-ray scattering, are available for use with the voucher program.


  • Companies with 50 or less FTEs, headquartered in Massachusetts and registered to do businesses in Massachusetts with the Secretary
  • Start-ups and companies with 10 or fewer employees receive a 75% subsidy.
  • Start-ups and companies with 11-50 employees receive a 50% subsidy.

UMass Core Facilities benefits:

  • Highly competitive rates
  • Managed by full-time experienced professionals
  • Companies retain intellectual property (IP)
  • Tiered access to equipment and services
  • Streamlined contracts
  • State-of-art facilities and equipment

Application Process

  • To obtain a voucher applicants must develop a scope of work and quote with the Core Facility.
  • This completed form will be routed to the 5-campus review committee who will determine whether the request meets the programs goals.
  • If the voucher request is approved by the 5-campus review committee, a notification letter will be sent to the applicant identifying the total voucher amount, amount to be paid by customer, voucher start date, and voucher expiration date.
  • Vouchers will expire 90 days from date of award. Any funds not used will be returned to the general pool for reallocation.