Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Graduate programs in electrical and computer engineering offer studies in disciplines ranging from emerging nanoelectronic devices to complex sensing systems.
The Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering is a 2-year program that offers opportunities to participate in local academic research led by university faculty.
Students have the option of selecting an area of concentration as a way of defining a theme in their coursework. Concentrations are an academic credential which appear on the diploma and transcript.
Students can incorporate Flex courses through University Without Walls to fulfill degree requirements in a hybrid format. Please note that some courses are unavailable in certain formats or during certain semesters.
The Field Experience Concentration requires students to conduct a full-time (20+ hrs/week) experiential learning activity (internship, co-op, or practicum) within the first year of joining the MS in ECE program.
If you have any questions about the MS program please contact Emily Krems; Academic Advisor, Electrical and Computer Engineering.