M.S. Concentration in Computer Security
Security is becoming an increasing concern in all computing systems, from lightweight clients to cloud servers, including both in hardware and software. The ECE department’s concentration takes an engineering approach to security, providing courses in cryptography, systems and architecture, with additional courses focusing on applications with social, legal and economic issues. The concentration includes courses with projects where students can explore specific design problems in embedded systems, operating systems, and networking.
In addition to the requirements for our MS degree, the concentration requires taking 5 courses from among the following:
- Security Engineering (E&C-ENG 647)
- Cryptography (E&C-ENG 656)
- Reconfigurable Computing (E&C-ENG 636)
- Computer Architecture (E&C-ENG 668)
- Advanced Operating Systems (E&C-ENG 670)
- Computer Networks (E&C-ENG 671)
- Advanced Information Assurance (COMPSCI 660)
- Introduction to Computer and Network Security (COMPSCI 560)
- System Defense and Test (COMPSCI 561)
- Trustworthy Computing (E&C-ENG 644)
Please contact Emily Krems, academic advisor with questions.