The AI/ML Systems concentration will provide students with the opportunity to study the systems and methods that form the foundations of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data sciences in depth. The range of courses from introductory to applied and advanced levels will provide students of all backgrounds the skills necessary to pursue research or professional opportunities in this area. Many courses contain lab components to familiarize the students with tools, methods and approaches used in this area.

In addition to the requirements for our MS degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, the concentration requires taking 5 courses from among the following:

  • Image Processing (E&C-ENG 566)
  • Machine Learning and Systems (E&C-ENG 557)
  • Machine Learning for Engineers (E&C-ENG 601)
  • Artificial Intelligence-Based Wireless Network Design (E&C-ENG 627)
  • Applied Machine Learning for the Internet of Things (E&C-ENG 629)
  • Hardware Design for Machine Learning Systems (E&C-ENG 662)
  • Computer Architecture (E&C-ENG 668)
  • Data Analytics (E&C-ENG 678)
  • Neural Networks: A Modern Introduction (COMPSCI 682)
  • Reinforcement Learning (COMPSCI 687)

Please direct questions to Emily Krems, academic advisor.