Engineering Management Minor
The Engineering Management Minor (EMM) is an interdisciplinary minor that provides undergraduate Engineering students with training in finance, accounting, marketing, and management.
Offered through the College of Engineering and the Isenberg School of Management, the EMM gives students the opportunity to acquire decision-making skills for business environments.
The minor requires 15 credits, most beyond the courses taken for the Engineering major.
All full-time undergraduate Engineering students who have completed two semesters with a GPA of 3.2 or higher and have declared an Engineering major are eligible. Transfer students who have complete one semester and meet the requirements may apply.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and are available online (NetID required; PDF). Submit completed applications via email to Julia Hoke at jhoke [at] umass [dot] edu (jhoke[at]umass[dot]edu). Please note that Julia will need up to 3 weeks to review your application. If you are applying between semesters and intend to take an EMM course during the upcoming semester, please apply AT LEAST 3 weeks before the start of the next semester.