UCard FAQs
You should suspend your card immediately, both your debit account and your residential door access (if applicable) by following the instructions on the Lost or Stolen UCard page. Afterwards you may obtain a replacement card.
Appointments are no longer required to get a replacement UCard. Simply come to the UCard Office anytime during normal business hours, Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.
Older UCards have the 16-digit run number printed on the UCard itself. Staring in Summer 2010, this number is no longer printed on the card.
However you can look up your run number in SPIRE:
- In SPIRE, navigate to My Profile.
- Navigate to IT Accounts & Certifications on the left menu bar.
- Navigate to UCard/Library Code, the UCard run number should be under Run/ISO number.
The UCard currently uses the following three technologies:
- Barcode technology - your library number is printed as a barcode on your UCard. This technology is only used by the 5-College Library System
- IClass "Smart Card" technology - your UCard contains a contactless smart chip and antenna. This technology is currently used everywhere the UCard is accepted with the exception of off-campus merchants.
- Magnetic stripe technology - your UCard has a magnetic stripe on the back of the card. This technology is currently used to access the majority of services associated with the card except vending, online door access, and some laundry readers.
Name Changing
By default, the name printed on your UCard comes from the Primary Name field in SPIRE as part of a daily data feed to the UCard Office. The only exception is if the individual has a Campus Name in SPIRE. In this case the Campus Name supercedes the Primary Name in the daily feed.
The UCard Office cannot change cardholders names; all name changes must occur in SPIRE. Once the Primary Name has been changed in SPIRE, it typically shows up in the UCard system the next business day.
Please note that changing your name in HR will not change your Primary Name in SPIRE or your name in the UCard System.
Current or former Students: you will need to go to the appropriate Registrar (Undergraduate, Graduate, or CPE) to have them correct your name in SPIRE.
Employees: you will need to go to campus IT Support Center (located in the Campus Center) to have your name corrected.
NENS (Non-Employee, Non-Student): you should contact the department that submitted a NENS form on your behalf. They will need to contact campus IT about correcting your name.
Current or former Students: you will need to go to the appropriate Registrar (Undergraduate, Graduate, or CPE) to have them correct your name in SPIRE.
Employees and NENS (Non-Employee, Non-Student): you will need to go to campus IT (located in the Campus Center) to have your name corrected.
Because SPIRE is the system of record for students, the data feed from HR to SPIRE does not automatically update the name information in SPIRE that is used by the UCard Office. You must update your name in SPIRE separately by going to the appropriate Registrar (if you are/were a student) or Campus IT (if you were never a student.) Please note that once you change your name in SPIRE, it takes a minimum of one additional day before the name change shows up in the UCard system.
Yes. UMass Amherst can create a "Campus Name" for you in SPIRE that will supercede the normal primary name in the daily UCard data feed. For more information about how to get a Campus Name and how it is used, please see the Registrar's Gender Marker and "Campus Name" Change Form. The Stonewall Center is also a great resource if you need additional information.
No. Currently the Campus Name is available only to transitioning members of the UMass community. For all other members, the legal name will be printed on the UCard.
No. The preferred name only shows up on Course Rosters, in Moodle, and in the Campus Directory (PeopleFinder). While your Campus Name does change the name printed on your UCard, it does not affect the aforementioned systems. So if you are transitioning, you should both change your preferred name AND request a Campus Name.