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Failure-to-pay Consequences

Students are expected to remain in good financial standing with the University and should pay any balance due by the date specified on their bill. 

  • Students receive an email from the Bursar to their official University email address when a bill is posted in QuikPAY (eBill notification). Payment is due by the date shown on your bill. 
  • Failure to pay your bill by the due date may result in a $100 late fee charge.
  • Failure to receive an eBill notification does not absolve the student of the responsibility of payment by the due date. Students have 24/7 access to view and pay the bill online in QuikPAY.
  • If you are on the UPay Payment Plan and receive a bill, this means you underbudgeted or new charges were posted. You can increase your budget installments which you manage in QuikPAY. 
  • If your plans have changed and you are not attending the University, it is critical you immediately contact the appropriate Registrar’s office and properly withdraw from the University by the first day of classes in order to not be held responsible for billed tuition and mandatory fees. 

Holds and Sanctions

The consequences of failure to pay may result in further sanctions as explained below:

  • EN1 Bursar Hold: The student cannot register for classes for the following term because of an overdue balance.
  • AW1 Bursar Hold: An AW1 is an Administrative Withdrawal Hold that occurs if payment is not made by the end of the semester. The student is administratively withdrawn, and the student is not able to register for future classes and their grades are withheld from their transcript.
    • Graduating seniors will not receive their diplomas if they have a balance with the university.
  • Student accounts with overdue balances will be assigned to pre-Collections status after the semester ends.
    • Our in-house Collections Department will allow students to set up a payment plan to pay their overdue balance.
    • The Final Notice and Demand letter is sent by certified mail by our in-house Collections Department. 
  • Account Goes Into Collection: If payment is not made by the date indicated in the Final Notice and Demand letter, the account is forwarded to an outside collection agency.
  • Failure to pay the University results in Holds and other Sanctions, which can lead to default and intercept of State payments or tax refunds.
  • Under MA General Law C.7A, C.62D, and 815 CMR 9.00, unpaid balances may be subject to late charges, processing fees, and intercept of State or Federal payments or tax refunds.