Excess Express Overview
When a student’s account is overpaid, the University will issue an electronic refund to the student for the overpayment amount through Excess Express. Therefore, students are required to sign up for Excess Express, including Parent Plus Loans. Excess Express is a program offered by the Bursar’s Office allowing students to indicate a bank account (checking or savings) to which the excess funds should be deposited. Please note:
- The refunds cannot be issued to anyone other than the student.
- Students will receive an email notification at their UMass email address when a refund is deposited into their bank account.
- Students who pay online or by personal check will not be eligible for a refund until ten business days after the payment has been posted.
- Overpayments resulting from payment plan contracts will not be eligible for a refund until the contract for the term is paid in full or the UPay payment plan owner can reduce the plan amount in QuikPAY.
How to Enroll in Excess Express
- Once in SPIRE, navigate to the Finances tile
- On the left menu bar, go to Excess Express
- Enter your bank's routing number and account number. Do not use your debit card number.
Once you have enrolled, your information will remain the same unless you change it. If you wish to change your account information, cancel the current row and enter the new information. All bank account information is secure and never shared with third parties. The bursar’s Office staff cannot view or change any banking information entered by the student.
If you Choose not to Enroll in Excess Express
- Once in SPIRE, navigate to the Finances tile.
- Navigate to "Paper Refund Request" on the left menubar
- Read carefully the Terms and Conditions
- Click "Process"
- You will receive an email for when your check will be mailed to your permanent address listed in SPIRE. To change your permanent address, in SPIRE, navigate to the "Profile" tile > "Personal Information" on the left menu bar > Addresses > Fill out your new permanent address.