1098-T Frequently Asked Questions
The Form 1098-T is a statement that colleges and universities are required to issue to students each tax year. It provides the total dollar amount paid by the student for what is referred to as qualified tuition and related expenses (or “QTRE”) in a single tax year.
The amounts paid do not represent amounts billed by the University during the calendar year. The amount in Box 1 represents amounts paid and posted to your student tuition account in the prior calendar year and there is no consideration given to when the classes are attended. The amount in Box 1 includes all payments made, including financial aid grants, scholarships and loans.
Box 5 of Form 1098-T shows the amount of scholarships or grants (other than tuition waivers) you received during the year. This includes payments made with tax-free funds such as 529 disbursements.
Please note that when claiming educational credits and deductions on your income tax return, you will need to report amounts paid and your tuition bills will be the best and most helpful resources for purposes of determining your allowable education tax credits or deductions. Please log in to the QuikPAY system through Spire.
Eligible Educational Expenses
- Tuition and Mandatory Fees: Tuition, Technology Fee, Student Activities Fee, Lab Fees, Service Fee, Graduate Senate Tax, Course Fees
- Schools and Colleges Fees: Honors College Fee, ISOM Fee, Engineering Fee, Nursing Fees, CICS Fees, Music Fees
- Other Enrollment Related Fees: New Student Enrollment Fee, Commencement Fee, Graduate Entering Fee, University Plus Registration Fee
Non-Eligible Educational Expenses
- Room and Meal Plan Fees
- Health Fees: Student Health Fee, Student Health Insurance Plan Fees, Family Insurance Plan Fees
- Other Fees: Library fines and fees, Parking permits and fines, Athletics fees, Late Fees, Fees related to non-credit courses
1098-T forms will be available to you no later than January 31st for the prior tax year. Forms are available online through for students and Delegated Access Users.
Once logged in to SPIRE, click on the Finances Tile, then select ‘View/Consent 1098-T’ from the left hand menu.
The amount reported in Box 1 only represents amounts paid for qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) and does not include payments made for room and board, insurance, health service fees or other non-educational fees. These payments must have been posted to the student account between January 1st and December 31st of the tax year.
Box 1 of Form 1098-T reflects payments made during the calendar year (January 1st – December 31st for qualified tuition and related expenses; it is not based on when the classes were attended or billed to the student account.
If you made payments during the calendar year for qualified tuition and related expenses, you will receive a 1098-T for the tax year regardless if you graduated in May.
The University in not required, by the IRS, to furnish a Form 1098-T in the following instances:
- Students whose qualified tuition and related expenses are entirely waived or paid entirely with grants/scholarships.
- Students whose qualified tuition and related expenses were entirely paid by a third party, including a student’s employer or government entity.
- Students who do not have a valid permanent address on file at the University. To update your address, click on the Profile tile once you have logged in to SPIRE; Addresses will be an option under the Personal Information menu on the left hand side of your screen.
- Students who do not provide the University with a valid TIN or SSN will not receive a 1098-T Form.
- If the enrolled student is a nonresident alien, unless requested by the student.
- If payments are for non-credit courses, even if the student is otherwise enrolled in a degree program.
We are unable to provide tax advice. You can find information and instruction on the IRS website or speak with a tax professional for guidance.